What if you have uterine polyps during pregnancy?
Polyps are normally quite small. Most polyps are no larger than a small cherry, but some can go on to be the size of an apple. If you are pregnant and have polyps, the extra inflow of pregnancy hormones can lead the polyps to increase in size faster as these polyps are hormone dependent.
Most polyps are symptomless, meaning that you have had no reason to suspect you had them before you became pregnant. When your doctor catches them while you are still trying to conceive, they may well suggest removal. Having uterine polyps while pregnant does increase your risk of having a miscarriage, but surgical removal or hormone replacement therapy to shrink the polyps down is not generally considered safe for women who are expecting a baby.
If you have been diagnosed with uterine polyps and are also pregnant, you might have more frequent ultrasounds to monitor whether your polyps are growing and whether their presence interferes with your pregnancy in any way. In some cases, the surgical removal of uterine polyps may be recommended even during pregnancy, especially when they are so large they are interfering with the growing space you baby has.
Discuss the pros and cons of having your uterine polyps removed during pregnancy with your health care provider in detail before making a decision, and ask any questions you may have. You may even consider getting a second opinion if you are concerned about your own doctor's recommendations. Women who are undergoing IVF are almost always recommended to have any uterine polyps removed before embryos are transferred to the uterus, since they will have a full workup before they begin the IVF process and uterine polyps will be noticed during that point of treatment. If you have a history of miscarriage, ask your doctor to check if you may have uterine polyps as well, since their presence can increase the risk of pregnancy loss. At the same time, you should know that some women have perfectly healthy pregnancies with uterine polyps.
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