People all over the world find it stressful to watch perfectbodies on the TV every day. They start finding their own imperfections andobsess about their weight/ both sexes try to maintain the “perfect weight” and “idealbody”, constantly trying out new diets. Some of them work, including waterdiets. There are several different water diets but all of them have in commonthe fact that they are used to get rid of those extra pounds.
Lemon Water Diet
People trying to lose some weight by lemon water or mastercleanse water diet shouldn’t eat anything solid. The only thing allowed as foodis solution made out of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and some coldwater. Every day a person should take 6 to 12 glasses of this drink, and thediet should last for 14 to 40 days maximally.
There are claims that many people loss their excess weightby following this diet. Lemon water diet is also considered to be good for detoxification,since this solution should increase elimination of toxins from the body.
Cold Water Diet
Advocates of cold water diet claim that a person shoulddrink 64 ounces of clear water during one day. This is almost half of a gallon ofwater, but they claim that cold water actually force the body to warm it up andthen use. Heating process that would bring water to body temperature requiresenergy, which is why people lose weight during this dieting.
There are several rules that come with this diet. Water shouldbe about 50 degrees Celsius and a person on a diet should drink it throughoutthe day. It must be clear water, non carbonated, without added flavors or sugar.Be very careful not to eat more in order to compensate calories spent by yourbody to heat up the water.
People on cold water diet usually lose about 5 pounds peryear. Exercising on a regular basis could improve this weight loss.
Other Water Diets
Other water diets include: apple cider vinegar diet, breadand water diet and fruit and water for a month diet.
These diets might be potentially helpful or potentially dangerousmethods for weight loss, depending who you ask. Doctors agree that water isimportant for all body functions. You should drink plenty of water, reduce yourfood portions and exercise regularly. It should be enough to get you to yourperfect shape. If you are not satisfied with the results, the best way toimprove them is to consult a nutritionist who will make you a special dietplan.
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