Jellyfish sting may be rather unpleasant and cause numerous symptoms. Some sorts of jellyfish produce highly venomous substances which may lead to death within minutes.
Symptoms include pain in the stringed area, itching and rash. Additional symptoms may be nausea and vomiting, pain in stomach and even diarrhea. Muscle spasms and numbness of the stringed area may be present as well. The most severe symptoms include shortness of breath and loss of consciousness. These conditions are quite serious and the people from the surrounding ought to call 911 immediately.
There are practical procedures that one may apply if he/ she gets involved in this situation. In case of non-poisonous jellyfish the first thing one should do is to get out of water. Still the culprits of attack may be present on the beach as well. Therefore not all the attacks happen in the water.
If there are tentacles left attached to the skin they need to be removed as soon as possible. That way the quantity of toxin entering the blood stream will be reduced. The affected area is raised with sea water. Fresh water must not be used under any circumstances as it may only make the situation worse. The toxin in the venom of the jellyfish may be inactivated. Since all the toxins are basically proteins these can be destroyed by simple altering of the temperature or pH. This means if one uses the heat on the stung spot the toxin will discontinue with its effects onto the skin and surrounding area as it will be inactivated. Hot sand would be ideal for this purpose. In case that one is definitely sure he/ she has been stung by the jellyfish small amounts of vinegar or baking soda may be applied onto the affected spot. Besides the heat weak acids (vinegar) and bases (baking soda) are equally efficient in toxin inactivation. One must not pass urine onto the stung place as not only will it not work but the risk of secondary infection will increase.
Local anesthetics such as lidocaine which may be present is certain sunburn relief products may reduce the pain and itching. Antihistaminics are of major help in calming the symptoms of edema and itching. Benadryl gel, aloe solutions and Hydrocortisone cream may be used as well. Painkillers are good in coping with the pain. There are numerous over-the counter painkillers available.
The best cure is protection. So whenever a person goes to the beach and there is a chance of jellyfish attack he/ she should be prepared for the possible stinging accident.
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