The bee sting is painful. Those who have been stung know that. It is usually associated with a stinging pain, swelling and itching The bee sting is not particularity dangerous for most people. However, if you are allergic you may die since it can trigger an anaphylactic reaction that can be fatal.
It is important to know what kind of bee stung you because every kind of bee has a different kind of venom. However, there are some simple things you can do to ease discomforts of the bee sting.
The most important thing is to remove the sting. You can do it with your fingers or with a pair of tweezers. If the sting is not removed, it can cause very serious infections.
The most common and most effective treatment of the bee sting is ice. The cold causes numbness in the stung area. The cold eases the pain sensation. It also tightens the blood vessels and reduces the swelling. Do not apply the ice for more then 20 minutes directly on the skin. Take 15 minutes break and the repeat.
You can make a paste of a meat tenderizer and water and apply it to the area. The meat has the components that break down the proteins from which the stings are made of.
Toothpaste is another good home made remedy. Toothpaste is a alkaline substance which reacts with the acidic venom. When they mix, they neutralize each other. If a rash develops, wash the toothpaste off.
Baking soda is very effective too. Just make a paste of baking soda with water and apply it. It should bring relief in 15 - 20 minutes. Aloe-vera, papaya, essential oils, are all good for treating the bee stings and other insect bites. Papaya has a compound called papain which bres down the proteins of a sting similar like the meat does.
Vinegar is another one of the home remedies you can use to treat the bee sting. You can make a paste of vinegar and baking soda.There are more home remedies like garlic, urine, clay, damp pastes of tobacco, but the best remedy is a cold press. Any cold object will help.
The sting can be painful for a few hours, but the swelling and the itching may persist for a week. It is important not to scratch the swelling because it will only increase the itching and the swelling itself. If the symptoms do not pass in a few hours, or you become nauseated or your tongue starts to swell and you experience trouble breathing, seek the help of a doctor.
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