How can trapped nerve in neck be recognized?
Pain in the neck region may be felt due to a number ofreasons, and is not easy even for a professional to determine the real cause. Someof the most common include abnormalities in muscles, nerves, ligaments, bonesor even spine, and in some cases, an injury may provoke the pain, while inothers an infection, inflammation, or even a tumor may cause it. On the otherside, pain in the neck may even be related to the problems in upper back,arms or shoulders. Since this pain may only be one of the symptoms of thecondition that caused it, it is important to diagnose the root of the problemproperly and MRI scan, CT scan, myelogram, or EMG test may be very helpful inthat.
When the cause of the pain is trapped nerve in neck, besidesthe pain, the person in question is very likely to experience problems ineveryday functioning, twitching of the muscles, tingling, numbness, and maybeeven radiating of the pain into other areas of the body, such as arm orshoulder. It is also possible that inflammation will occur, which is easilyrecognized by swelling in the affected area. This pain may be so serious thatthe person might even find it difficult to move the head, or open and close themouth.
How can this problem be treated and can it be cured forgood?
When the nerve is trapped, it actually means that this nervesuffers a huge pressure. Luckily, it can be treated and cured in the majorityof the cases. It is necessary to rest a lot and to restrict the movements of theneck, as well as to avoid any activity that might affect the condition in anegative way. It is necessary to fix the position of the head while sleeping,in order to avoid accidental hurting, and there are devices that can help withthat. Applying heat may relieve the pain, while NSAIDs or corticosteroidinjections will help in reducing not only pain, but inflammation, too. Seriouscases may require the surgery in order to remove the pressure of the nerve, butthis is only suggested in cases in which other methods of treatment do not givepositive results. Besides, it depends on the exact location of the trapped ordamaged nerve whether the surgery is an option at all.
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