Causes and Characteristics of Toothache
Toothache is a painful state of the affairsmost of us have experienced at some points of our lives. Namely, itexpresses through pain and discomfort in the dental area. It isusually caused by an abscessed tooth in which the inflammation hasencompassed the very core of it, the pulp. There, all of the toothnerves are located, and, once this part gets exposed, the painbecomes present. Although, most of the times, the problem is relatedto our teeth or gums, sometimes that does not need to be the case.Therefore, we might experience this condition when we have problemswith our sinuses. Additionally, some underlying health problems maytrigger this condition. Even an extracted tooth may cause one troublesince, sometimes, the socket where the tooth was may get painful andproblematic. Therefore, it is of great importance that you notice thesymptoms of toothache on time and correlate them with the adequatecondition in order to provide yourself the right type of help.
Toothache Manifestation
The main characteristic of a toothacheis that it usually increases gradually. Thus, you are likely toexperience a minor type of pain and discomfort at the beginning,growing to be more and more serious as the inflammation spreads outinside your troublesome tooth. At first, the toothache is triggeredmostly by exposing the very tooth to either extremely hot orextremely cold temperatures. Later, however, the pain tends to bepresent most of the times, potentially transferring onto your head orears.
Once the inflammation has reached itspeak, one will experience more serious types of symptoms. First ofall, there come swelling, bleeding and pain caused by mere touchingof the troublesome area. This swelling includes both the tooth andpossibly the jaw. Similarly, the bleeding is not only reserved forthe tooth area, as it can spread as well. Additionally, one'stouching or pressing of the problematic tooth often results in theincrease of pain. Thus, pain might be experienced during eating orsimply by striking your tooth with your finger.
Finally, if none of the symptomsmentioned above are present, the reason behind the toothache isprobably something else, like a disease encompassing one's ears, heador cardiovascular system.
Possible Treatment for Toothache
If the problem is tooth-related, thedentist may do several things, depending on the cause behind thetoothache. Before anything else, in cases of swelling, the dentistwill need to prescribe antibiotics in order for it to heal.Afterwards, painkiller injections are administered, and the tooth mayeither have its holes filled or put on a crown after the reasonsbehind its inflammation have been removed. For more serious cases,however, the dentist will recommend you to visit other types ofdental doctors.
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