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When it comes to aneffective treatment solution for different gum related diseases and conditions,one of the surest ways to battle them off with success is by means of antibiotictreatment therapy.

Tooth troubles

Infection in questionis brought about by bacteria that can appear as a direct consequence of quitea number of different factors. Those culprits regarded as the most frequent aresuch as formation of cavities, enamel damage, diseases affecting the gums andalso injuries to the tooth itself. In addition, possible as well is the occurrenceof tooth abscess, which represents a quite serious type of infection known toaffect the root of the tooth in question. This in turn initiates the buildup ofpus and the occurrence of swellings affecting the gum tissue.

Proper and timelytreatment

Every toothinfection, particularly the abscess, urges immediate medical treatment in orderto prevent any further multiplication of the harmful bacteria and in order to protect thetooth from decay. In this regard, the most commonly employed remedies areantibiotics, which have the ability to eliminate bacteria and control anyfurther progress of the infection itself. But no matter how effective theyare, antibiotics do not hold the power to conquer the infection on their own. Theirimmense significance lies in the fact that they are the best possible way tocontrol the infection and make sure it does not affect the other parts of theperson’s body, thus causing unnecessary havoc. In case antibiotics are notemployed, this could ultimately lead to such serious repercussions as mostsevere and threatening infections of the lungs, jaw and also the brain. Those antibioticsregarded as the most effective are the following – Amoxicillan, Clindamycin, Erythromycin,Metronidazole and Penicilin. The antibiotics in question are renowned for theirincredible potential to annihilate bacteria, thus alleviating the overall painand unpleasantness.

Potential downsides

Despite theireffectiveness, antibiotics are also known for their potential health damagingside effects. But, these side effects are seldom extremely severe in nature andtherefore, they should not be overly worried about. Some of the most evident downsidesinclude potential liver damage, diarrhea (present for a couple of days),allergic reactions of various kind, stomach upset, awkward taste in one’smouth, vaginal yeast infection, to name but those that are the most commonlyencountered ones.

Important thing toalways keep in mind is that, once a person starts with the antibiotic therapy without previously consulting the dentist, one should never seize withit out of the blue. In addition, occurrence of any side effects should beimmediately reported to your dentist or doctor in order for him or her to be ableto provide you with a timely and effective substitute.

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