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Tooth infection – basic information

Probably the best cure ever when it comes to relieving the infected-tooth problem is the extraction procedure. This in turn will reward a person in question with long awaited peaceful and tranquil hours, which was absolutely impossible during the tooth infection. When it comes to the pain, not many varieties are more unbearable and unpleasant than this one. There exist numerous conditions that have the tendency to progress and develop into the infection in question, and some of the most common ones include such as formation of the cavities, disease of the gums, damages to the enamel of the tooth, as well as tooth structure related traumas and conditions. But when having in mind those culprits most severe in nature, then there have to be pointed out but the following two – tooth abscess and the decay of a tooth/teeth.

Unpleasant companions

Unfortunately, pain is not the only thing a person should worry about once the tooth infection occurs. Aside from pain, there occur many other unpleasant and awkward side effects, so to speak. Some of them include bleeding gums, unpleasant breath, occurrence of the sores on the mouth, increased saliva excretion, swellings and also the loss of appetite. In case when conventional solutions such as medications and antibiotics, give no favorable results or alleviate the condition in question, then a person should turn to good old alternative, i.e. undergo a tooth extraction procedure.

The procedure

Even though it has a robust and a bit frightening sound to it, this procedure involves nothing more but the simple removal of the tooth that has been suffering from an infection for quite some time, and it is done by means of surgical techniques. Given the importance of the entire procedure, it ought to be performed by a dentist who is an expert in this matter, in order for the possible and unnecessary complications to be avoided. For those who are not that comfortable with anything a dentists has to “say” with his/her instruments, the most important thing to know is that, while the severe pain (which is the most indicating symptom of the tooth infection) is quite unbearable, the procedure itself is not only smooth, but also quite painless, providing that a person opts for a dentist who is an expert in his field. Another thing that is of interest to many is, of course, the time period needed for the full recovery. When having this specific condition in mind, it is safe to say that it takes no more than five to seven days for the sore spot to heal.

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