Health Benefits of Goji Berries
Goji berries are slowly becoming more and more popularbecause they provide the human body with numerous different types of healthbenefits. They have been used in the traditional Chinese medicine as a verypopular longevity tonic for numerous centuries now. Goji berries are alsosometimes referred to as the wolfberries and they originate from the northwestregions of China. Goji berries are characterized by a red color and a sweettaste. They may also be dried and they are very similar to raisins when theyare in their dried form. Goji berries are an excellent source of numerousdifferent sorts of vitamins, essential minerals and certain other importantnutrients such as vitamin B1, 18 different sorts of amino acids, vitamin B6,vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin C, anti inflammatory agents, antioxidants,selenium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron and 21 other trace minerals. Goji berriesare very efficient in nourishing the blood, toning the kidneys, toning theliver, improving the vision, enhancing the libido, calming the nervous system, improvingthe physical endurance and promoting one’s longevity. Goji berries may alsocome in very handy when it comes to increasing sexual stamina, promoting theproduction of sexual hormones and nourishing the semen. They can be consumed intheir raw form, but they may also be used for the preparation of goji berryjuice. They can be added to various stew and soup recipes, they can be used forthe preparation of an herbal tea and they may even be steeped in alcohol inorder to make goji berry wine. Perhaps the fastest way of absorbing all theaforementioned nutrients is to consume the goji berries in the form of juice.Anyone can make goji berry at their home, using several simple ingredients.
Goji Berry Juice Recipe
One needs to take a cup of water, half an apple cut intosmall pieces and a quarter cup of fresh goji berries and put all of them in ablender. The ingredients need to be mixed well until the mixture is completelysmooth. A pinch of honey may also be added to enhance the flavor. The berriesneed to be washed thoroughly before consumption. Apple can be replaced by anyother type of fruit such as a banana, pear or even a carrot.
Goji Berries Side Effects
Goji berries are usually completely safe for consumption,but they may sometimes worsen the condition for all those who suffer fromdiarrhea.
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