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Menopause is a part of women’s life that usually occurs in their late 40s or early 50s. This stage is characterized by the permanent cessation of the primary function of the ovaries. In menopause, women’s ovaries do not release eggs or hormones anymore. As a result, women will stop having their menstrual periods, and they won’t be capable anymore of getting pregnant. As any other condition that changes the body so severely, menopause is marked by significant disruption on woman’s normal functioning. There are a lot of physical and emotional processes associated with menopause, and all of them may significantly change the way woman feels about her body and her health.

Signs of menopause

During the menopause, woman’s body responds to fluctuating hormonal levels, which causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms. The range and severity of symptoms usually vary from person to person. In general, symptoms include general lack of energy, hot flashes, abnormality of heartbeat, and various psychological effects such as anxiety, irritability, depression, changes in the mood, problems with memory and concentration, decreased sex drive. At this stage, it is also typical for women to experience vaginal dryness and increased need for urination.

Testosterone Use in Menopause

Testosterone is usually mentioned as a male hormone, but it is also one of the six hormones produced by the female reproductive organs. According to the most recent studies on treatment for menopause, testosterone therapy may also be very beneficial to women. This therapy is especially suitable for women who suffer from loss of sexual desire and other symptoms of testosterone deficiency. These symptoms include hot flashes, irritability and aggression, poor libido, loss of body hair and body mass, heart disease, sleep disturbances and urinary bladder discomfort.

Testosterone therapy may provide a number of benefits to women. For example, it may bring a relief of vasomotor symptoms of menopause. Testosterone therapy is also known to increase energy levels, sexual desire, and promotes the feelings of well-being. Moreover, this therapy will decrease breast tenderness and increase sexual sensitivity and the experience of orgasm.

However, this therapy is associated with certain side-effects, which may occur in some rare cases. The side effects are not very severe but can be unpleasing since they include voice changes, development of facial hair, formation of acne, and hyper-sexuality.

Testosterone therapy generally involves testosterone replacement available as oral estrogen-androgen combinations or other injectable and implantable forms. Compounded testosterone creams are also available, and medical care providers will recommend the most appropriate for each patient.

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