Microorganism Candida albicans, which is a regular inhabitant of the human body is the main cause of fungal infections. Human body requires a certain dose of bacteria and fungus, provided that they are in balance. Due to the frequent use of antibiotics, bad diet, excessive eating sugar, hormonal disorders and decline in immunity, these microorganisms multiply and cause various health problems. Infections caused by Candida attack vaginal environment, oral cavity, urinary tract and intestines. Vaginal infection considers redness, burning, itching and enhanced foul-smelling yellow or whitish discharge. Symptoms of candidiasis in the intestine are diarrhea, gas, malaise and headache. Treatment of Candida combines different methods. Doctors prescribe specific tablets to reduce the number of microorganisms. In addition, various homeopathic medicines are of great help in suppressing growth of Candida. In these infections are often applied a strict diet that limits the use of white flour, yeast and candies. Also, various herbal medicines can significantly contribute to the mitigation of infections caused by Candida.
The most effective of them are:
Tea tree oil on a completely natural way removes Candida and backs it into a state of equilibrium. Three drops of this medicine should be mixed with water and by this should wash off the affected area. Or, infection can be treated by making a warm bath inserting a few drops in the tub with water. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that literally destroy the fungus. It is consumed as an unprocessed dietary supplement or in the form of film coated tablets. Anti-fungal effect of oregano essential oil is a proven by laboratory analysis. It is usually used orally in the form of enterically coated capsules or applied directly to the affected area. Barberine strengthens the immune system and thereby helps the body defend against Candida itself. It is recommended to use 250-500 mg of barberine extract three times a day. Yet, it was proven that Barber acts as an antibiotic. Cinnamon contains terpenoids, compounds that suppress the growth of fungus. It can be used as a tea, spreading half a teaspoon of cinnamon with boiling water, or in the form of essential oil when shouldn’t be taken more than a few drops. Echinacea affects the elimination of candidiasis by strengthening the immune system. For problems caused by fungal infection, takes the dose of 2-4 ml extract per day. Coconut oil contains caprilyc acid, which suspends the growth of Candida. This acid is concentrated in coated tablets that should be consumed during a meal.Before using any of the proposed herbs, specialist should be consulted in order to avoid side effects from medication that is already taken. Also, some herbal medicines are not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
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