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Early signs of pregnancy can occur before a positive pregnancy test, which is associated with the secretion of the hormone HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotropin). Although this hormone detects in large numbers only after a missed menstruation, there are women who feel symptoms of pregnancy even before they miss their period.

Not to make a lot of burden, here are some facts that need to pay attention to recognize the early symptoms of pregnancy. At the beginning, we should know that women and their pregnancies are different. Some feel the signs within one week after conception, while others come to realize only after the missing period and positive pregnancy test. Some women do not feel any symptoms. In addition to eliminating the possibility that the symptoms associated with something else unrelated to pregnancy. Also, women differently feel pregnancy. Some do not change their daily activities until just before birth, while others change their habits from the start. It is quite normal that pregnancy changes emotional state, creates fears and doubts about pregnancy and childbirth as well as anticipation and excitement.

As soon as you suspect you are pregnant, you should visit the doctor or to do a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant it is crucial to learn as much as you can about pregnancy and how to take care of yourself and the baby growing inside you. Cigarettes, alcohol and certain drugs can harm the unborn child so you should immediately discontinue their use.

Pregnancy usually lasts for 40 weeks and this period is divided into three quarter during which many changes are happening. A few days after conception small amounts of HCG enter the bloodstream. However, typical symptoms of pregnancy do not appear until the HCG reaches a sufficient level. This is usually 1-2 weeks after missing period and 2-3 weeks after implantation. However, if you pay attention the first symptoms may be observed very early. For example, on the day of implantation temperature falls. 8-10 days after ovulation can be seen pale pink or brown blood, accompanied by cramps and flashing pain in the lower abdomen. After the tenth day of fertilization, the level of HCG in the blood can show positive pregnancy test. Urine test at home will be positive only after 10-14 days after ovulation. Given that menstruation occurs 14-16 days after ovulation, her absence of 15 or more days is almost sure indication that you are pregnant. In the first trimester of pregnancy your cervix is softens and you can hear the fetal heart at the sonogram. In the second trimester of pregnancy you can notice darkening of areola. Finally after 18-20 weeks you can feel fetal movements. In addition to these facts, the woman may feel some subjective symptoms (nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to the breast and nipples, fatigue and tiredness), 2-4 weeks after ovulation. After a month or two, there is an increased need for certain types of food and frequent urination. Later appears constipation and back pain.

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