Pregnancy test facts:
- You can do pregnancy testing at home. Pregnancy tests are 99% accurate.
- Pregnancy tests test the presence of chemical called human chorionic gonadotrophin also known as hCG. This chemical appears in the urine once an egg has been fertilized by sperm.
- hCG is a sure sign of pregnancy, but it can still be present after miscarriage or abortion for up to 8 weeks, or after giving birth for up to 4 weeks.
- Fertility drugs can cause false pregnancy (hCG is shown).
- The more sensitive the test, the earlier pregnancy can be detected.
- Alcohol, painkillers, antibiotics and oral contraceptives are not affected by pregnancy tests.
- When you are testing for pregnancy, always follow manufacturer's instructions. They are easy and simple to follow.
Fertility and trying to conceive facts:
- Woman is most likely to get pregnant (she is most fertile) during ovulation.
- Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of menstrual cycle.
- An egg can be fertilized approximately 12 hours to one day after the ovulation.
- Sperm can survive in a woman for up to 5 days.
- Generally speaking woman can conceive if sexual intercourse takes place max 5 days prior ovulation and 1 day after ovulation.
- Only few percents of couples conceive in first month of trying to conceive.
- On average it takes more than 6 months for a couple to conceive. 15% of couples conceive after 6 months.
- If woman is older than 35 it may take longer to conceive.
- If a couple cannot conceive for one year, they should visit fertility specialist.
- If a couple cannot conceive for six months and woman is older than 35, they should visit fertility specialist.
- Conception may take longer in women who smoke.
Facts about early pregnancy signs:
- Missing period or shorter, lighter bleeding may occur early during pregnancy.
- Morning sickness.
- Feeling emotional or moody.
- Breast changes, such as fullness and tenderness, are often the first signs of pregnancy. It is also possible that the nipples enlarge.
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