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Causes of poor blood circulation

Circulatory problems do not appear suddenly. It is not possible to wake up one morning and notice signs of those problems appearing all at once. They are usually subtle and in fact, the heart will be patient over a longer period of time until it starts showing signs of mistreatment.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices are primarily responsible for circulatory problems. Poor diet and lack of exercise and physical activity lead to the formation of fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels. When those deposits harden, they are called plaque. Plaque takes a long time to form but when it does it can congest and obstruct the blood and oxygen flow to and from the heart.

Signs and symptoms of circulatory problems

Because the circulatory system covers the entire body and provides blood to all the organs, different signs are associated with different organs. When the brain, which normally should get 20 percent of the blood in the body, does not get the sufficient amount of it, it does not function optimally. This can lead to lethargy, loss of memory, cognitive problems, trouble concentrating, and similar issues.

Chest pain, hypertension and high cholesterol may be signs of poor blood flow to the heart. Decreased blood flow to the liver can cause loss of appetite, weight loss and dull-looking skin. Kidneys are responsible for the disposal of waste materials and excess water in the body, but these organs also regulate the blood pressure.

Signs of inadequate blood flow to the kidneys include swelling of hands, ankles and feet, as well as fatigue and abnormal or altered heart rate. Pitting edema is one of the major symptoms of circulatory problems.

It is a swelling which, if pressed, does not immediately bounce back. As for the limbs, if they do not get sufficient blood they may become tingly and numb and the muscles may cramp. Varicose veins, which usually appear on the legs, and cyanosis, which is bluish or black tone of the skin, are also signs of serious circulatory problems.

Poor blood circulation can also decrease sex drive. In some cases, it can even cause impotence. Another sign of poor circulation can be slow or inadequate healing of the wounds.

In some severe cases, wounds do not heal at all, which makes them prone to infections and ulcers. This usually happens on in the lower extremities and it is one of the reasons why people who have diabetes often have serious complications with wounds, which may even result in amputation.

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