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Chronic Infection of the Prostate

We will focus on the problem of the chronic prostate infection, which is commonin males from 35 to 55 years of age. The gland found under the urinary bladderis called prostate gland and it is present only among men. Itis small in size and looks like a walnut and it is responsible for the productionof semen, which is the male reproductive fluid. Other name for the chronicinfection of the prostate is prostatitis. This problem is associated with theglands swelling caused by the inflammation of the prostate and there are four typesof this problem. They are chronic non-bacterial prostatitis or inflammatorychronic pain syndrome, asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, acute bacterialprostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis. These types are classified according to theseverity of the problem. We have mentioned the group mostly affected by thisproblem, but, it can attack younger men also. This problem can be created due tothe tissue bacterial inflammation, which created the prostate enlargement that induces considerate pain.

Causes and symptoms

Unfortunately, medicine has not determined the exact cause for this problem, but there are many bacteria that cause the chronic prostate infection. Theyare klebsiella, proteus, E. coli and many others. All of them can create theinfection that can spread to the surrounding organs. The most common causesare urinary bladder infection, infection of surrounding organs that canspread, psychological stress, immune and nervous system disorders, gland traumaor injury and pressure created on the prostate gland due to the diseasedtissue.

There are many diverse symptoms, but the most common are discomfort and pelvic troubles,usually felt during the urination or ejaculation. The most common symptoms includedribbling or hesitant urination, urgent need to urinate, perineum pain, weaknessof the body, testis and penis pain or discomfort, ejaculation pain, feverexperienced with chills, nausea and vomiting, burning sensations while urinating,urination during the night (frequent urination) and groin pain that can sometimesspread to lower back or abdomen.


Before the treatment, a proper diagnose has to be made and for this, several tests aredone. They are digital rectum exam, cystoscopy, urodynamic tests and urine andsemen tests. Another way of treatment is by the use of antibiotics, which aregiven when the problem is created by the bacterial infection. For the pain, doctorcan prescribe painkillers such as Aspirin or ibuprofen. Alpha-blockers canrelax the bladder and muscle fiber and also relieve the muscle spasms. They willalso reduce the pain experienced during urination. You can also try prostatemassage or heat therapy. Trying alternative treatments like acupunctures cansometimes help. Remember that this problem can lead to the prostate cancer, so chronicprostate infection has to be treated. As soon as the symptoms are noticed, thevisit to the doctor should follow.

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