Sparkling or Not?
Sparkling water has been widely used as a beverage since its very existence. Namely, it got the name from the numerous tiny air bubbles moving along throughout the water, making it look like it is actually sparkling once exposed to the light. However, as mentioned above, this sparkle is nothing more than air injected in the water, carbon dioxide, to be more precise. Therefore, when shook or moved rapidly around, when opened, a bottle of sparkling water is likely to expel a considerable hiss, rejecting the extra air compressed in the water. Besides water, numerous other drinks, like sodas and different juices have these carbonated qualities. However, one question has been hanging in the air ever since sparkling drinks first saw the light of day and their reflection glittered in the eyes of thirsty people. Besides all the sparkle, jumping bubbles and hissing sounds, are sparkling water and carbonated sodas good for us or not?
Good or Not?
First of all, the quality of a carbonated drink greatly depends on the drink itself. For example, tonics which are usually carbonated, are healthy since they contain quinine which is said to protect one from malaria and some other diseases. Subsequently, being carbonated or not does not make much difference in this aspect.
Secondly, there has been a great misconception among people that mineral water and sparkling water are the same. They are far from being the same. Theoretically, in order for a water to be mineral, it needs to contain a sufficient amount of minerals, therefore being very healthy for regular intake without a need of being sparkling. On the other hand, a water is considered sparkling once it is carbonated, regardless of its qualities or the lack of them. Thus, the two are not the same since mineral water is much better.
As far as sparkling water is concerned once again, there have been pros and cons regarding its existence. Many have claimed that sparkling water causes dental decay specifically because of the carbon dioxide contained within it. At the same time, other have praised it claiming that it stimulates gas release and helps certain digestive problems. None of these two qualities were scientifically proven, however.
Nevertheless, the carbonated aspect of sparkling water has proven to be a good bacteria remover, therefore making sparkling water a good choice for those who change their locations but do not wish to change their drinking water.
All in all, there has been no proof that sparkling water is either remarkably good or terribly bad for one's health. Rather, it is available to be safely enjoyed for all those who like it.
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