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Many alternative techniques that may help patients dealing with psoriasis are available today. There is strong evidence that stress triggers or worsens psoriasis in many patients. Stress reduction and relaxation techniques may help those people manage their stress and boost self-confidence and sense of being in control. These treatments address some of the main psychological issues of psoriasis disease and help reduce the emotional impact of this condition.


Aromatherapy considers methods of smell and therapy indicated healing. Aroma therapists usually use essential oils that are highly concentrated and extracted from organic plants. Most commonly, these oils are blended together to form a healing mixture and affect patients mood. They are often diluted in carrier oils in order to reduce the potency. They can be inhaled, massaged onto the skin, added to bath or sprayed into the air. Essential oils mixtures affect the nervous system, improve mood, and help patients relax, energize or reduce the stress. They are also beneficial for hair and skin and often are being used to speed up healing processes or as care products.

Patients should avoid products with fragrance oils or impure components. It is highly important to use only pure and natural aromatherapy products.


Professional massage relieves tension in muscles, reduces stress and relaxes the whole body. It may also relieve the pain, both chronic and acute. Patients suffering from psoriasis may find that massage helps relieving joint pain. There are many available types of massage and therapist will advise the best method for every patient: tissue massage, reflexology, Swedish massage, shiatsu, acupressure and so on.


Meditation is a practice of mind concentration that involves a constant focus on one thought, phrase or prayer for a prolonged period of time. Meditation affects changes like reduced heart rate and blood pressure, improved immunity, increased blood flow to skeletal muscles, improved oxygen consumption, elevated respiratory rate, lowering of muscle tension and perspiration.


Yoga is the science of mind and body that has the ability to create an inner environment that puts the individual in its own state of dynamic balance and health. The principle postulate of yoga is that a healthy person lives in a harmony of body mind and spirit. Yoga involves controlled breathing, stretching, strengthening exercises, and meditation to relax muscles, improve circulation and release tension and stress.. It promotes well-being throughout the practice of natural diet, regular exercise and untroubled mind. Yoga is easy and suitable to patients of all ages.

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