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Sleepless Nights and Sleeping Pills

Quite a large number of people hasdifficulties when it comes to sleeping at night. The reasons could bemany. Some of these are stress, daily frustrations and problems,underlying illnesses, restless leg syndrome and many others. Eitherway, we need proper sleep in order to function properly.

Lacking adequate rest is bound toresult in a decrease of our concentration, awareness, performance inany field, giving birth to irritability, anxiety and other negativeaspects of such a lifestyle. Thus, many individuals do their best toenable regular sleep every night. Some choose to exercise more, whileothers remove coffee from their lives. Also, some people givemeditation or other stress management techniques a try. Many of theseare known to work. Nevertheless, there are people who will end upawake in their beds, even after they have tried all of the above.

Then, the next logical option for mostis buying over-the-counter sleeping pills. These are available inmany variants. However, you need to be fully aware of the effect ofthe pills you are taking. The following lines will, therefore,explain some of the basic characteristics of sleeping pills which canbe purchased without a prescription.

The World of Sleeping Pills

Before you even start thinking aboutpurchasing sleeping pills for dealing with your insomnia, you need tobe aware that this is no permanent solution. In fact, in time, theeffect of the sleeping pills will gradually wear off and, unless youdeal with the source of your sleeping problem, the insomnia willreturn.

Until that happens, you may opt forantihistamines, which are considered to be the best for thesepurposes. Originally being medications for treating allergies,antihistamines are very effective for helping you sleep since theyprevent histamine fromaffecting us. Histamine is known to trigger our body's awareness and awakening.

Diphenhydramine is one of your choices.It will make you sleep better and protect your sleep from histamine,treating your allergies, if you happen to have some. This ingredientis present in many medications for OCD. Thus, take one pill, 30minutes before bedtime.

Doxylamine is another variant. It alsoblocks histamine in your body, keeping you relaxed and in the moodfor sleeping. It makes you more relaxed and, thereby, deals with yoursleeping problems, helping you get a good shuteye. Usually, it is a partof many common flu medications. However, children should not use it.

Possible Side-Effects ofOver-the-counter Sleeping Pills

Even though the above mentionedmedications may help you sleep better, they can also make you drowsyand cause memory issues. Dry throat, constipation and urinaryretention as well as enlarged prostate are common side-effects aswell. Also, due to the sedating effect, you may feel lack of controlover your motor skills, being clumsy and having balance troubles.Finally, you may experience blurred vision.

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