Information on Sleeping Pills
There are a large number of people worldwide who suffer frompoor sleep and insomnia. Most of them use sleeping pills in order to catch someprecious sleep. A sleeping pill is agood solution when it comes to short term sleep problems. One should beinformed well before taking any sleeping pills, because they may also be responsiblefor certain side effects as well.
One of the main misconceptions amongst mostpeople is that sleeping pills increase the sleep enough so that a person mayfeel more energetic the next day. There are also those who believe thatsleeping pills help in improving the overall health. Most sleeping pills fitinto the class of drugs commonly referred to as sedative hypnotics and they areusually barbiturates or benzodiazepines. Most popular benzodiazepines likeXanax, Librium, Ativan and
Valium are medications that are efficient inincreasing drowsiness and relieving the symptoms of anxiety. Those are veryuseful but they are also very addictive at the same time.
Barbiturates areefficient in depressing the central nervous system and inducing sedation. Thesetypes of medications can also be used as anesthetics in some cases. Lunesta,Ambien, and Sonata reduce the time required to fall asleep and do not form anyhabits. Other popular medications include Halcion and Rozerem.
Side Effects of Sleeping Pills
All medications can sometimes be affiliated with certainside effects. The intensity and severity of side effects triggered by aspecific medicament is always individual and they cannot be predicted. Thesewho suffer from certain serious medical conditions such as asthma or COPDshould avoid using sleeping pills.
The most common side effects of differenttypes of sleeping pills may or may not include burning sensations in the armsand legs, weakness, tingling sensations in the arms and legs, unusual dreams,changes in appetite, uncontrollable shaking of certain body parts,constipation, stomach tenderness, diarrhea, stomach pain, difficulty keepingbalance, heartburn, dizziness, headache, intestinal gas, drowsiness, dry throatand dry mouth. There are certain types of sleeping pills which may sometimes beaffiliated with potentially harmful and more serious side effects such asparasomnias.
Parasomnias are medical conditions in which the patient does nothave any control over actions and behaviors and the most common symptom issleepwalking. These complex behaviors may include serious symptoms such assleep eating or sleep driving. Complex sleep behaviors are usually connected toa dosage which is significantly increased.
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