Change the way you eat to achieve healthier and longer life. Several things are not good for your health, including the salt, margarine, white sugar and white bread.
Avoid Salt
Too much salt in the diet is not good for your health. Eating salty food is not always bad, but try to use good quality natural sea salt, instead the cheapest option at your supermarket. Give yourself some time to adjust to changes. Start lowering the amount of salt you use every day, or every week if you prefer so. Your taste buds will eventually get used to very little salt in the food and you won’t miss it anymore. Processed food is proven to contain much more salt than necessary. Because of that, people buying and eating in fast food restaurants need to stop that habit and eat something healthier and less salty. Even snacks contain completely unnecessary salt which is not healthy at all. Recent studies associated too much salt in the diet with the increased risk of high blood pressure. According to that, people suffering from hypertension are advised to decrease or completely avoid salt in their menu.
Margarine is Bad
Margarine contains plenty of different chemicals and preservatives and therefore can’t be good for human consumption. Use unsalted butter or extra virgin olive oil at all times instead of margarine. You may also combine little bit of butter and a lots of olive oil and make a mixture a lot healthier and more tasteful than margarine. Just place it in the refrigerator and use.
Don’t Use White Sugar
White sugar is another harmful thing we eat every day. In every processed meal or sweets there is an extremely high amount of sugar, because this makes the food taste better. Go for raw sugar instead of white one or use honey whenever you can. Honey is known for centuries to be one of the healthiest foods you can find, so use it. Choose organic honey on a honey farm or at your local health store. Heated, filtered or processed honey is better than white sugar, but the organic kind has more benefits for your health.
White Bread is Not A Good Thing
There is no nutritional value in white bread. Avoid these and opt for fresh and organic breads made from whole grains. Avoid breads labeled to contain additives and preservatives as well. You can make your own bread, buying some organic flour and adding some water to it. Add some sea salt and/or some virgin olive oil and knead it. Let it rest for some 10 minutes and then bake the bread in the oven or on the grill.
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