Uses of hydroxychloroquine
Hydroxychloroquine is a medicinewhich belongs to the antiprotozoal drugs. Protozoa are small animals consistedof only one cell, and some of them are parasites that can cause serious infectionsif they enter the body. This drug is available in the formof tablets. Hydroxychloroquine is used in the treatment of malaria, lupus erythematosus, liver disease induced by some protozoa, and in arthritis, but in cases when the inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain in the joints have to be reduced. Some doctorsprescribe this drug to successfully treat hypercalcemia, polymorphouslight eruption, porphyria, urticaria, and chronic cutaneousvasculitis.
Complications when usinghydroxychloroquine
Before prescribinghydroxychloroquine, the doctor must pay attention to some medical conditions thatcan be worsened while using this drug. These conditions are allergies to someof the ingredients of hydroxychloroquine, blood disorders, disease of thekidneys, liver or heart, as well as the problems with eyes and vision. Somenervous problems and seizures are some of the states that must be consideredwhen taking the medicine. Moreover, porphyria, psoriasis and somegastrointestinal disease must be reported to the doctor. Furthermore, hydroxychloroquine mustnot be used along with some medications, such as aurothioglucose, digoxin andmetoprolol.
Side effects of hydroxychloroquine
The adverse effects of this drug canappear in combination or alone, and usuallythey occur when the medicine is used for a long period of time. Of ocular side effects, the mostfrequent is blurred vision. While edema, decreased corneal sensitivity, cornealchanges and corneal deposits are usual corneal side effects, atrophy, abnormalpigmentation and foveal reflex loss are the most often retinal side effects. Some gastrointestinal unwantedeffects can occur, such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well asabdominal cramping and epigastric pain.
Dizziness, vertigo, and headachesare nervous system side effects which are possible when taking hydroxychloroquine, though tinnitus, convulsions and nerve deafness can also occur. Many patients have also reported some psychiatric side effectsof the medicine. Irritability, nervousness, mood swings, and psychosis werenoted.
The most frequent dermatologic side effects of hydroxychloroquine are hyperpigmentation, loss of hair, photosensitivity,certain skin eruptions including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, as well as acute generalizedexanthematous pustulosis, and exfoliative dermatitis. Cardiomyopathy is one of the cardiovascular side effects,while hypoglycemia is an endocrine side effect of this medicine. Other side effects of hydroxychloroquine include aplastic anemia, leukopenia,anemia and thrombocytopenia as well as hemolysis, and these are themost common hematologic side effects. Sometimes,skeletal muscle myopathy, neuropathy, abnormal liver function and porphyriamay appear as unwanted effects of hydroxychloroquine.
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