Spasticity is a very common symptom of the disorders of the central nervous system and its main characteristic is the alteration in the skeletal muscle performance resulting in frequent and continual muscle contraction. Spasticity may be a consequence of an injury or a disease of spinal cord or brain, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis, and besides in moving, it can cause serious consequences in speaking as well. When it comes to the pharmacological treatment of these problems, baclofen is one of the approved medicines and it can be found in a form of a tablet or injection. Having in mind the severity of the conditions for the treatment of which it is used, it has to be prescribed by the doctor and should not be used without a prescription. On the other side, besides the cases of pregnant or breastfeeding patients, the doctor should be extra careful when deciding on the use of this medicine and its doses in the cases of patients who have some kidney problems, any kind of a mental illness or epilepsy, allergy, or history of astroke.
Just like it is the case with the greatest majority of other medicines, it is not safe to combine this one with certain others, especially with antidepressants, antipsychotics, barbiturates, sedatives, other muscle relaxants, medications for sleep and narcotics. The interaction thus caused, may result in drowsiness, dizziness, and other much more severe problems, so, unless necessary and approved by the doctor, and unless the doses are adjusted, these combinations should not be made. It is also important to notice that sudden quitting on this medicine may lead to the experience of the symptoms of withdrawal, which is why people who use it should notify their doctor about any side effects, and before they decide to stop taking them, they should consult the professional.
It is a fact that this medicine usually does not cause serious side effects, and the cases in which the serious ones have been experienced are extremely rare. The majority of the possible side effects does not require medical attention and usually goes off by itself, and some of such symptoms are headaches, insomnia, constipation, low blood pressure, nausea, and sleepiness. Even rarer are ringing in the ears, loss of appetite, changes in the vision, taste and weight, erectile disfunction and ejaculation inability, or even kidney stones. However, none of these side effects has to be experienced.
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