The use and mechanism of action of digoxin
Digoxin is a medicine that is frequently used in the treatment of wide range of heart conditions from abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter) to even congestive heart failure in cases when the use of other medicines is excluded as an option. Digoxin may improve the ability of myocardium to contract as well as the strength of the contraction. It may also normalize rapid atrial rhythms thus relieving the symptoms such as tiredness pain in the chest and shortness of breath. It is believed that the way in which it is done has something to do with the fact that it affects and controls the movement of elements such as calcium, potassium and sodium into the heart muscle.
Side effects ofdigoxin
Having in mind that this medicine may be effective on one side, while on the other, it can be extremely toxic, the side effects here are experienced a bit more commonly than it is the case with other medicines used for the treatment of heart conditions. Because of this toxic feature the doctors should be extra careful when prescribing the doses. It is always recommended to start with lower dose and then to increase it though the level of digoxin in blood has to be monitored and checked before the adjustment. Another thing that the doctors who prescribe this medicine should be careful about is the possibility of interaction. That is because there is a list of medicines with which digoxin should not be combined because of the increased risk of toxicity or the risk of reduced heart rate or abnormal heart rhythms. Some of these adverse effects may have fatal consequences.
Side effects which are not so serious but which are definitely uncomfortable are headache, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, rash and dizziness. In the greatest majority of the cases in order to eliminate them it is only necessary to adjust the dose. However besides these digoxin may also cause problems with vision such as blurred vision it can cause pain in the abdomen and enlargement of the breast. Heart block rapid heartbeat and slow heart rate are definitely the most serious problems which may be experienced because of this medicine which is why even the slightest changes of this kind should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring such symptoms or waiting for them to go off on their own will only increase the risk of more serious problems.
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