Solifenacin is one of the medicines which can be used in the treatment of overactive bladder, usually with the purpose of increasing the control of wetting accidents, and decreasing the need for frequent urination. Since the doctor is supposed to prescribe this medicine, before he does that, he will probably ask the patient about his health history. Here is important for the patient to inform his doctor if he has some kind of a kidney or liver disease, or if he has glaucoma, or intestinal obstruction. Patients, who have certain allergic reactions to some medicines or even foods, should not skip that part either, because the use of solifenacin in such cases may cause serious side effects. Women who are pregnant or who are only planning to stay pregnant in the near future, as well as the women who are breastfeeding, should inform their doctor about this detail, too, because special care may be needed in such cases, as well as in cases with children.
If a patient is already using some other medicines, or even supplements, the doctor should know about it, too, since solifenacin should not be combined with certain medicines due to the serious side effects which might be the result of it. Some of such medicines are atropine, oxybutynin and medicines which are used in the treatment of fungal infections, but for the full list, contact your doctor. Some of the side effects can be the result of the interaction of solifenacin with alcohol or cigarettes.
Since this medicine should be used for at least two or three months before the beneficial influence can be noticed, some of the possible and not alarming side effects which may occur are dizziness or drowsiness, which is why people who use it are highly advised not to drive in that period. Constipation, cough, dry mouth and eyes, and even blurred vision are also common side effects which do not require any medical attention, since they are usually only temporary, and they tend to go off after some time. But, if any of these symptoms persist for over a month, or if a patient feels the inability to empty the bladder, or if serious headaches, stomach pain, pain while urinating, irregular heartbeat, changes of mood and even depression occur, those are already signs which should not be ignored and which imply that medical attention is necessary. However, in order to reduce the possibility of the appearance of serious side effects, it is important that the patient informs the doctor about the health condition and it is important to follow the given instructions and dosage.
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