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Information on Shilajit

Shilajit is the traditional Indian system of medicine also commonly used in Ayurveda and it is known in the western world as Mineral pitch, mineral wax, black asphaltum and girij. It often gets confused with Ozokerite which is another type of humic matter, similar to Shilajit but unfortunately without any medicinal qualities. There are quite a few food supplement suppliers which market products claimed to be Shilajit, while in fact they sell products based on Ozokerite. Ozokerite is raw and very cheap, and it is often used in cosmetics. Shilajit smells like bitumen and it melts in the hands. Shilajit is actually an adaptogen and a rasayana material which is known to be very efficient in enhancing the stamina, boosting the strength and relieving the stress. Shilajit contains approximately 85 different types of minerals in their ionic form and the most significant ones include fulvic acid, humic acid, aromatic carboxylic acid and triterpenes. Shilajit has been the subject of numerous scientific studies which were conducted in order to determine whether it is that much beneficial for the overall health of the human body. Shilajit can be considered as a resin which oozes out from the mountains of the Himalaya region triggered by the heating effect of the sun. It is brown or black, soft, very heavy and it is also slimy to touch. Shilajit is also soluble in water.

Health Benefits of Shilajit

Some sources claim that shilajit can be used for the prevention and treatment of virtually any type of ailment or disease. Shilajit is an organic product which gets formed due to the decomposition of various different types of vegetables of plants which were crushed by the high pressure associated with the formation of mountain ranges of Himalaya. Benzoic acid can be found in Shilajit in abundant amounts, and it is considered to be the basic building block of most living creatures. Shilajit rejuvenates all the cells in the human body, prevents them from getting damaged and provides them with precious energy. It can be used as a tonic and it can be of great help for all those who suffer from fatigue and general weakness. Shilajit is known for its potent disinfectant, diuretic, antiseptic and lithotripter properties which are of utmost importance when it comes to warding off worm infections, parasites, germs, diarrhea, jaundice and various different sorts of digestive system related medical conditions. It can also be of great help for all those who suffer from diabetes, dyspepsia, kidney stones, gallstones, neurasthenia, epilepsy, stress, nervous depression, nervous disturbance, reproductive system related problems, skin diseases, asthma, bronchitis, anemia, hemorrhagic conditions, arthritis and numerous types of respiratory problems.

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