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Information on Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most popular Chinese herbs and it is commonly used in the traditional medicine as a very potent anti-aging supplement, rejuvenator and body tonic. The Chinese have used it in their traditional medicine for numerous centuries, and nowadays it is one of the most popular types of herbal remedies. There are eleven different species of this perennial plant which belongs to the genus of Panax which comes from the family of Araliaceae, but the three most common ones are the American, Siberian and Oriental. American ginseng is known by its scientific name of panax quinquefolium and it can only be harvested by licensed harvester. It is a potent adaptogen and it is commonly used as an aphrodisiac and for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in male patients. Quite often its root is available in a dry form, usually sliced. Ginseng leaves can also be used when they are in their dry form. Oriental ginseng is known by its botanical name Panax Ginseng as well. It is commonly grown in Korea and China. It is also a potent adaptogen, just like its American counterpart. Siberian ginseng is also botanically known as eleutherococcus senticosus but it actually is not a ginseng plant. It has a woody root and it contains eleutherosides instead of ginsenosides. Both of these types of chemical compounds are adaptogens. Siberian ginseng is only a distant derivative of the Oriental species of ginseng. It is the easiest one to cultivate and also the cheapest one. Ginseng is often contains in some types of tea, cosmetic preparations and energy drinks.

Health Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng is a potent adaptogen and it controls the blood pressure very efficiently. It can also be used as a tonic because it is very helpful in stimulating the immune system, enhancing the memory, boosting the levels of energy, improving one’s performance and relieving the stress. Ginseng may also come in very handy when it comes to enhancing the functioning of the liver, lungs, the central nervous system and the circulatory system. Ginseng is very efficient in curing impotence and improving the sexual functioning in men. It is also very good at increasing the levels of estrogen in women, which may be of great help for all those who suffer from menopausal symptoms. Ginseng may also be used for the prevention and treatment of certain other medical conditions such as fatigue, lack of appetite, poor circulation, poor concentration and cognitive abilities, pulmonary problems, insomnia, tumors, chest problems, diabetes, common colds and various others.

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