Staying physically fit and active during pregnancy is hugely beneficial. But some types of prenatal exercise are better than others. What is the deal with running and jogging while you are expecting a baby?

Almost every doctor agrees that it is fine to keep on running during your pregnancy, if you also ran before pregnancy and are in great shape. Still, there are some extra precautions to take. Overheating can be a real concerns during the very early stages of pregnancy.
There are some indications that this can be very dangerous during the phase in which the baby's internal organs are formed, so making sure you're safe is good. Take regular breaks and stay well hydrated when you run or jog. And of course, this remains good advice after the first trimester is over as well.
Later on, good running shoes are essential. Runners should also be aware that the center of gravity shifts during pregnancy, and that the risk of falling may be higher. If you do fall, try to avoid falling directly onto your bump, since that will increase the chance that something will happen to your baby. Of course, the golden rule that you should stop exercising if you feel bad in any way still applies. Bleeding, contractions, and waters that break are obvious warning signs during the third trimester of pregnancy. If you feel like working out in the third trimester at all.
In the meantime, those pregnant women who weren't runners or joggers before they got pregnant shouldn't start running while they are expecting a baby. Swimming, walking, or cycling would be better exercises for women who are just starting to practice moderate exercise. And consulting with your doctor before starting exercises is always wise, even if you are really fit.
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