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It is important to do exercise in your life and this rule goes for those of you that are pregnant as well. It is also important to be aware of what exercises are safe to perform in the last trimester of your pregnancy.

Exercise during Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant she is fully aware that she is sharing her body and must always be mindful of that fact. The food she intakes must provide nutrition and she needs to do some form of activity to keep her supply to ensure the capability of carrying the added weight. By doing some type of exercise in the pregnancy months will help the mother to boost her energy levels as well as improve her mental outlook. A swell as that, exercise will also assist in the maintenance of a good posture which is needed to prevent injury, pain and discomfort from the added weight of the baby. By doing exercise a pregnant woman will also notice her sleep pattern is better and less disturbed. Exercise will also keep up the tone of her muscles and her strength which is valuable for the labor to come. Doctors will often encourage women who have had issues in their first and second trimester to do some light exercise in the final months.

Third Trimester Exercise

It is a fact that those who do exercise in their final months of the pregnancy will go through a better, easier and shorter labor process than those who do not exercise. It is also a fact that those pregnant women who do not follow some form of exercise in their third trimester will experience back ache and fatigue, and they also don’t return to pre-pregnancy weight as fast as those women who do exercise in their third trimester. It is obvious that you should avoid abrupt, sharp movements, or jumping and bouncing.

Basic Guidelines for Exercise in the Third Trimester

You must begin slowly and this applies even if you have been exercising the whole pregnancy period. The third trimester is different and you need to listen to your body carefully. You should also be monitoring your heart rate and your breathing because your baby’s heart rate will follow yours. Make sure you keep your heart rate under one hundred and forty and your breathing needs to be able to still allow you to speak without trouble. Do not exercise at tremendous altitude or in hot environments.

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