Exercise during pregnancy makes expectant moms feel more energetic and optimistic, and helps them stay fit. Unless you are on bedrest or have been told by your doctor to avoid exercising for some specific reason, working out during pregnancy has huge benefits. But there are some types of exercises that you are better off avoiding while you are expecting a baby. What are they?

Abdominal work-outs
Ab crunches and similar exercises that work the abdominal muscles by crunching them are out during pregnancy, once a woman starts to develop a baby bump. Ab crunches at a point where a woman's uterus is already outside the pelvic cave isn't just unsafe it is actually impossible!
Back-lying exercises
Lying on your back for long periods of time is not recommended during pregnancy, because it can limit the supply of oxygen to the placenta, and therewith to the baby. This is why pregnant women are usually told to sleep on their left side. Short amounts of time are fine, just don't do it for long.
Obviously dangerous exercises
Extreme sports, which would put your life at risk in any situation, are quite apparently irresponsible during pregnancy... or for that matter at any time after which you have decided to become a parent. Extreme sports don't fall into the "wait until after pregnancy" category, because your baby wants parents for the next 18 years at least.
High-impact work-outs
Work-outs that put your uterus and internal organs under a lot of strain, like high-impact aerobics, are best avoided. Talk to your doctor about specific exercise programs if you have a question about whether your work-out is OK or not.
Risk of falling
Activities with risks of falling during pregnancy include horseback riding, skiing, skateboarding, and rope walking. They are not a good idea during pregnancy, because your center of gravity shifts... making you even more likely to fall.
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