Hydrocodone-acetaminophen for pain relief
Hydrocodone is a certain type of medication which comes fromthe group referred to as narcotic pain relievers. Acetaminophen is also a painreliever, but much less potent than hydrocodone. It is commonly used incombination with hydrocodone because it is known for increasing its effects. Thiscombination can be used for the alleviation of moderate to severe instances ofpainful sensations. Sometimes these medications may also be used for thetreatment of certain other medical conditions as well. Those who drink severalalcoholic beverages per day and those who suffer from the alcoholic liverdisease need to consult the doctor before using this combination ofmedications. Hydrocodone is particularly dangerous because it may be associatedwith the formation of a habit. Those who are allergic to hydrocodone oracetaminophen need to avoid these medications because they may trigger unwantedallergic reactions. Those who are allergic to any type of medication need toinform the doctor before using hydrocodone acetaminophen for the alleviation ofpainful sensations. The same goes for all those who suffer or have sufferedfrom a history of alcohol addiction, a history of drug addiction, mentalillness, curvature of the spine, Addison’s disease, any type of adrenal glanddisorder, underactive thyroid, intestinal disorders, stomach disorders, lowblood pressure, a history of brain tumors, history of head injuries, kidneydisease, liver disease, sleep apnea, COPD, asthma or any other type of breathingdisorder. Pregnant women and women who plan on becoming pregnant should steerclear of this combination of medications because they may have some negativeeffects on the unborn child. Breastfeeding mothers also need to avoid using thecombination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen because they may pass into themother’s milk and trigger some negative effects on the baby. These medicationsalways need to be taken exactly how they were prescribed. One needs to followall the directions given by the doctor closely. It is not advised to take themedications for periods longer than those recommended by the doctor. It is alsoa wise idea never to take it in larger amounts than those that are includedamong the instructions on the prescription label. One should never take morethan 4 grams of acetaminophen per day, and that amount usually needs to bedivided into four doses. A tablet of hydrocodone and acetaminophen commonlydoes not contain more than 750 milligrams of acetaminophen. If taken in theliquid form, the medication needs to be measure with a specially designedmeasuring cup or measuring spoon. These can commonly be purchased in most wellequipped pharmacies. Hydrocodone and acetaminophen may sometimes be associatedwith constipation, so it is highly recommended to take up to 8 glasses of watereach day. Some cases may even require the use of stool softener as well. The medicationneeds to be kept at room temperature. It also needs to be kept away from heatand moisture so it cannot be kept in the bathroom.
Hydrocodone-acetaminophen can be dangerous
As is the case with most different types of prescribedmedicaments, non prescribed medicaments, herbal remedies, preparations and allother substances commonly used for the prevention and treatment of numeroussorts of ailments and medical conditions, hydrocodone acetaminophen may also sometimesbe associated with certain unwanted side effects. Among the most common types of side effectsthat may be triggered by this medication are drowsiness, dizziness,lightheadedness, constipation, vomiting and nausea. In most cases these sideeffects disappear on their own without the need for any medical intervention.Constipation can be prevented and treated by drinking plenty of fluids, usinglaxatives and eating plenty of foods rich in fiber. Some patients mayexperience certain more severe side effects such as difficulty urinating,abdominal pain, stomach problems, mood changes and mental changes. In some rarecases, the patient may also experience very serious side effects such as difficultywaking up, unusual drowsiness, shallow breathing, slow breathing, seizures andfainting. There are also cases in which serious allergic reactions may occur aswell. Those can easily be recognized by certain symptoms such as troublebreathing, severe dizziness, swelling of the throat, tongue and face, itchingand skin rash. In some cases, the patient may experience an overdose of oralhydrocodone acetaminophen. If that occurs, one needs to call the poison controlcenter or emergency room at once. An overdose can easily be recognized bycertain characteristic signs and symptoms such as loss of consciousness, slow heartbeat,slow breathing, unusual sweating, vomiting and nausea. If a person misses adose, the dose should be taken as soon as remembered. If the time for the nextdose is near, the dosing schedule should be resumed from that dose. It isstrongly advised never to double to doses in order to make up for the misseddoses.
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