OxyContin is a drug most commonly knownas oxycodone. It is a narcotic with effects similar to those relatedto morphine. Therefore, this drug is used for treatment of severetypes of pain which appear and last for a long time.
More detailed information about thismedication and the possible side-effects it can cause are listedbelow.
What is OxyContin?
This medication is to be used by theperson who got the prescription for it and no one else. Therefore, itshould be stored in a safe place and not shared with other people.Also, you should abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages whileunder the influence of OxyContin, since such exposure can result inthe appearance of numerous adverse effects, ranging from mild tolife-threatening.
Read the labels on the medication andmake sure you do not use it for improper purposes. Rather, use itonly withing the dosage limits prescribed by your doctor and informhim/her if OxyContin starts resulting in some unwanted symptoms or ifit becomes incapable of relieving you of pain. Additionally, be verycareful while driving or operating machinery while under theinfluence of this drug, since it is known to impair one's thinkingand reactions.
Additionally, bearing in mind thatOxyContin can be habit-forming, do not stop using it abruptly inorder to avoid appearance of withdrawal symptoms. Rather, with yourdoctor's support stop using the medication by decreasing the dosagegradually, over a longer course of time.
Some situations where OxyContin mayprove to be unsuitable for you are presence of allergic reactions tosome narcotics like methadone, morphine, vicodin etc., or some othermedications which contain codeine, hydrocodone or dihydrocodeine.
Furthermore, some facts regarding yourmedical history that your doctor should be aware of before you takenOxyContin are history of asthma, COPD, breathing disorders and sleepapnea, past or present presence of liver or kidney disorders,hypothyroidism, curvature of the spine, head injuries or brain tumorsin your medical history, epilepsy or seizure disorders you havesuffered from in the past, hypotension, gallbladder disease, adrenalgland disorders and other conditions such as urination issues, mentalillnesses or history of drug or alcohol addictions. Therefore, do notfail to mention these do your doctor before having OxyContinprescribed.
Finally, this drug is considered safefor use, as far as pregnant women are concerned. However, due to thefact that OxyContin may reach the baby through breast milk, make sureyou inform your doctor about your pregnancy or breastfeeding habitsprior to taking the medication. Also, bear in mind that, as you growolder, you become more prone to side-effect related to OxyContin.Thus, the need for extensive medical history data becomes even morenecessary in case of elderly patients.
OxyContin is not to be used with someother medicaitons, such as stool softeners, for example. Also, thepill is to be swallowed whole rather than chewed, broken, crushed orlicked before it enters the intestine. Since this drug may lead toconstipation, you are advised to increase your water intake whileusing it. If you happen to miss a dose, wait for the time for thenext one rather than doubling the dose. Yet, you should only use thismedication when you are exposed to severe pain.
Side-Effects of OxyContin
Some of the most common side-effectsrelated to overdose from OxyContin are drowsiness, weakness in themuscles, confusion, cold and clammy skin, extremely small pupils,shallow breathing, slow heart rate, fainting or, in severe cases,coma. Therefore, should you experience any of these serious symptoms,seek medical assistance immediately, since OxyContin overdose caneasily be a deadly state of affairs.
Other known side-effects related tothis medication are convulsions or seizures, weakness and dizziness,sensations related to fainting, nausea, vomiting, constipation,absence of appetite, tiredness, headaches, dry mouth, sweating anditching.
React timely if you notice any of theseand contact your health provider, seeking opinion and assistance. Ifthe symptoms fail to cease, seek immediate medical help. Waiting andignoring the side-effects of OxyContin can be fatal, so you areadvised to react instantly.
Appearance of certain symptoms relatedto allergic reactions are to be taken seriously as well. Therefore,noticing swelling in the face, mouth, throat or tongue areas or skinreactions such as rashes or hives should be understood as signs ofhealth problems possibly related to OxyContin allergy.
If you notice any of the abovementioned signs, stop taking the drug immediately and contact yourdoctor, seeking further instructions and advice.
All in all, OxyContin is a narcoticdrug used for relieving severe pain in the long run. However, it apossibly addictive medication which can lead to various side-effects,especially in elder people or people with certain health problems intheir medical history. Thus, be careful before taking OxyContin andmake sure you seek all the necessary information from your doctorbeforehand.
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