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Almost every time we go to see a doctor when wesuspect that we suffer from some infection or simply the flu, the doctorexamines out throat. There are two types of lymphatic tissues: the tonsils andadenoids. We all have two tonsils located on the both sides ofthe throat. They are oval in shape. On the other side, the adenoids are placedhigh in the throat, behind the nose and uvula. The tonsils, as well as adenoids, assist our immunesystem by secreting mucous, which serves as antibodies to fight against theviruses and bacteria that penetrate into the body via mouth and sinuses.

Pus on tonsils

However, when a bacterial infection occurs, thetonsils may secrete excessive mucous. As a consequence, pus on tonsils forms.When it happens, the affected person may experience pain and can be veryirritated by this condition. Therefore, pus on tonsils is not a disease, but awarning sign of some tonsil inflammation or infection.

In the majority of cases, tonsillitis is responsiblefor the appearance of pus on the tonsils. It is a condition marked bythe inflamed tonsils due to certain bacteria or virus. The most common symptomsof tonsillitis are sore throat, which can appear suddenly or gradually, andfever. Due to the inflammation, the surface of the tonsils turns brightly red, and grayish-white layer appears. Severe tonsillitis causes foul smelling andpainful tonsil stones that can cause bad breath.

The streptococcus bacteria are responsible for theoccurrence of sore throat. This infection further causes pus on the tonsils. The bacteria streptococci and staphylococci mayaffect the surrounding tissues of the tonsils and cause cellulitis. When thiscondition is not treated, pus accumulates behind or next to the tonsils andcauses tonsillar abscess marked by painful swallowing. This condition can also be caused by common cold andinfluenza. Moreover, unhygienic living conditions, excessive consummation ofrefined foods such as sugar, tea, coffee, fried foods, may also be potentialcause for this condition.

Symptoms of pus on tonsils

Pus on tonsils is only a symptom of one of the above mentioned tonsils infection or inflammation. It is usually accompaniedby several other symptoms, such as painful swallowing or talking, swollen andpainful lymph nodes in the neck and red inflamed tonsils. Furthermore, foul smelling breath, chills and fever, as well as weakness and fatigue, may also accompany pus on tonsils.

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