People, both women and men, in somesituations, decide to reduce the size of their breasts for variousreasons. Sometimes this is due to the oversized breasts they have,making their lives harder. In some other situations, like it is thecase with men, this procedure is most commonly a choice because ofmale breasts which are simply aesthetically unpleasant. Of course,some other reasons may exist too.
Either way, many people opt forsurgical reduction of the size of their breasts and the followinglines are dedicated to providing more information about this fact.
Problem with Oversized Breasts
The reasons behind this form of surgeryoften lie in three factors – the psychological, the physical andthe aesthetic. Namely, a woman may have breasts which are physicallyincompatible with the rest of the body, being uncomfortable to carryand do daily activities with them. Furthermore, large breasts may beaffecting the person's self-image negatively, resulting in mentalhealth problems. Therefore, the reasons for breast reduction surgerycan be various.
However, the procedure needs to be donecarefully, preserving the sensitivity and lactational capability ofthe breasts and the nipples.
Sagging and large breasts can triggervarious problems in a woman's life. The sagging and weightdistribution problems related to the breasts can result in headaches,shoulder and back pain and various other issues related to the healthof the affected person. Furthermore, excessively large breasts canlead to blood circulation problems, impaired breathing, chafing ofthe skin of the chest and problems with finding adequate clothingwhich conceal the actual size of the breasts. Hence, reduction of thesize of the breasts is related to helping a woman overcomepsychological, physical and aesthetic problems she might be facing.Self-confidence, self-respect and depression, anxiety and countlessother problems, all are related to oversized breasts and all thesefactors may motivate the affected women to seek medical assistance.
In order to be a suitable candidate forthe breast reduction surgery, the affected woman needs to providemedical history information to the surgeon. This information includesthe number of children she has given birth to, the breast-feedingpractices she used or uses, her plans for pregnancy, informationabout any allergies she might have or any previous health problemsshe has endured and all other important facts related to the healthproblems the woman might be facing. Also, she will need to let thedoctor know about the types of health problems she is experiencingdue to the size of her breasts, including physical problems andpresence of skin irritation or rashes related to the breasts.
Once the doctor has all thisinformation, he/she develops the adequate approach to the breast sizereduction. Most commonly, a surgical procedure is necessary foralleviating the symptoms related to the large breast problems.
Surgery for Breast Reduction
The surgery involves the removal of thetissue which is considered to be excessive, leading to oversizedbreasts. Furthermore, the sagging is removed by lifting the breasts.However, due to the delicate nature of this surgery, the recoveryprocess lasts for about a year and patients need to be patient beforenoticing any significant effects. Simply, the tissues need to settleupon and into the chest for the true effects of the breast reductionsurgery to be visible.
Bear in mind that this surgery cannotbe performed once the woman is lactating or has recently stoppedlactating. Also, if the surgeon or any other members of the medicalstaff discover suspicious breast tissues or some other illnesses, thesurgery is either postponed or canceled. Finally, the procedure canbe made impossible if the patient does not understand the limitationsof the capabilities of this surgery or if he/she refuses to sign theconsent, accepting the possible medical complications which mayemerge during or after the procedure.
The surgery can take several differentforms, depending on the technique most suitable for its purpose.Thus, the inferior pedicle technique can be used, being a surgicalremoval of the requisite quantities of the glandular, adipose or skintissue. This procedure is very effective for women who suffer fromextremely large breasts, even though it commonly produces breastswhich appear to take the square-like form later.
On the other hand, the surgeon may optfor vertical scar technique, being very effective, but resulting inseveral smaller scars which can, fortunately, be removed withmammoplasty. Finally, horizontal scar technique, free-graft techniqueor liposuction-only technique can be used as well.
Once the surgery is done, smoker womenwill need to quit their unhealthy habit and avoid taking certainanti-inflammatory drugs and Aspirin since these can lead to increasedbleeding. Furthermore, patients will need to follow all the doctor'sinstructions carefully and thoroughly.
All in all, there are many proceduresfor breast reduction and many reasons for undergoing the same.Depending on the problems the affected woman may be facing, herdoctor chooses the best possible surgery technique for her, leadingto the removal of excessive and problematic breast tissue, having apositive effect on the psychological and aesthetic as well asphysical health of the patient.
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