Breast Problems after Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is one of the most wonderful experiences between a mother and her newborn. Although clinicians agree on the importance of breast milk, there are inevitable problems that arise for the mom. Due to hormonal changes that happen to the body during and following pregnancy, the shape and size of the breasts will change significantly. One of the most ordinary problems will be the sagging of the breasts. While the mother is still nursing the breast stretches out to accommodate the milk. However, after they are no longer needed breasts start to go back to their original size leaving a lot of loose skin and stretched tissue. This is mainly an aesthetic, not a medical concern. In addition, there are many other factors that will cause the sagging other than the breastfeeding itself. Women who have had many children, larger breasts before their pregnancies, high levels of body fat, and are smokers are more likely to have sagging of the breasts.
Do Asymmetric or Uneven Breasts Come From Breastfeeding?
Each breast after breastfeeding takes a life of its own, meaning that what affects one breast in a certain way may do nothing for the other. Also, lots of women had disproportionate breasts before pregnancy or breastfeeding so they will probably stay uneven, but still change from what they were before the baby came. These are only cosmetic issues, and do not affect the health of the mother or the baby who is being breastfed. They can be easily corrected by plastic surgery. Having Regular Check-ups for Women who are Breastfeeding
Any woman, regardless of the fact whether she has had and nursed children or not should have regular breast exams. Performing self examination is relatively easy and painless in the comfort of one’s own home, and it should be engaged in during and after breastfeeding, as that is the period when the breasts will still be undergoing changes.
A woman should always report any new development, such as lumps or excretions, to her health care provider. In addition, check-ups performed at a doctor’s office should be employed about once a year as that will determine whether there have been any changes that the individual may have missed.
If necessary, the doctor will advise a mammogram, which is able to detect any lumps that have developed, but could not be caught by manual examinations. Also, mammograms are perfectly safe to have during breastfeeding. Further, if an individual experiences symptoms like high fever, which is a sign of a possible infection in a breast, a lump, breast discharge or pain, it is highly recommended that one seek medical help. On a happier note, research has shown that breastfeeding reduces the chance of developing breast cancer for those who have breastfed compared to women who have never done so.
Common Problems for Women who are Breastfeeding
There are many issues every woman who is breastfeeding is constantly facing. For instance, leaving the house when you have a baby who is nursing can be a challenge, but lots of women opt for bringing their children along as they do not require lots of supplies in the beginning. Also, there is always the issue of the diminished sex drive in a woman who has just had a baby. It is important not to engage in intercourse right after the baby comes, and it does help to feed the child before engaging in sexual activity as the breasts will be softer and less likely to leak. Some form of birth control should always be used unless the couple wants to get pregnant again for even if the woman is not menstruating she might be ovulating.
Furthermore, breastfeeding in public is an issue usually concerning new mothers and their newborns. Many mothers feel comfortable nursing in public, and there are lots of ways in which they are accommodated, such as separate lounge areas in shopping malls and restaurant designated for that purpose.
Also, many women are faced with excessive breast fullness. The breast tissue fills with milk and blood, and if the woman does not feed her child, the breasts will stay full and tender. It is advised that an individual takes a warm shower and rubs the breasts to promote the flow. As expected, burning nipples are a common problem among women who are breastfeeding. It is advised that the mother positions the baby so that his or her mouth is fully open, and feel free to stop the feeding until the comfortable position is found. There are some remedies that could be applied on the nipples that do not need to be removed before the breastfeeding, such as lanolin. Finally, decreased milk flow can sometimes occur if the baby stops breastfeeding. The more often the baby nurses, the more milk is produced and vice versa. A nursing mother should always check whether the baby is getting enough supply.
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