Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to the house dust mite. Dust mites are small bugs that live in human habitation and feed on flakes of the human skin. People are mainly sensitive to digestive enzymes of dust mites. These enzymes remain in dust mite feces and contribute to various unpleasant reactions in humans including wheezing, asthma and allergic symptoms. Dust mites are invisible to the human eye. These microscopic organisms are found in the house dust found in all human dwellings. House dust contains fibers from various types of fabrics, dander from domestic animals, bacteria, mold, fungus spores, food particles, and many other substances of which are all potentially allergenic materials.
Dust mite allergy
Dust mites are among the most common triggers of asthma and allergy. About 1.2 billion people living worldwide could have some type of chronic sensitization to dust mites. The allergy occurs when the immune system of a patient mistakes the normally harmless substance as a disease agent, and starts producing antibody agents against it. The symptoms of this reaction include itchiness, sneezing, inflammation, eczema, red eyes, watering eyes, sneezing, runny nose and clogged lungs.
Prevention of dust mite allergy
The best way to prevent any type of allergy is to try to avoid allergens that are triggers. There are a lot of simple methods to help control the dust mites, and taking medications should really be the last option. Cleaning the house on the regular basis will help to keep the surfaces dust free and remove all types of allergy causing agents from the environment. To control the dust mites, people are advised to keep their home comfortably cool. Temperatures between 68 and 72 degrees F should prevent the overgrowth of dust mites. It is also important to maintain a low humidity and assure there is proper ventilation at any time of the year.
Bedroom is the place where people spend the major part of their day, and where the most dust mites are found. People are advised to choose bedding materials that are easy to wash at least weekly. It would also be good to replace the carped with a solid surface (linoleum or hardwood) but if that is not possible, people should clean their carpets thoroughly and frequently. All other pieces of furniture made of fabric should also be frequently washed, removed and replaced. Replacing the carpet with a solid-surfaced floor can eliminate at least 90% of dust mites. However, it is still important to clean even a hard surface regularly.
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