Asthma hasbecome a common disease among the worldwide population. Children mostly sufferfrom allergic asthma (in 90%). About half of the adult population sufferingfrom this problem also has allergic asthma.
Allergy isover-reaction of our immune system. It reacts to certain allergens, stimulatingimmune antibodies (IgE antibodies). These antibodies treat those allergens as foreignattackers and strongly attack them, causing release of histamine and othersubstances in the body, and leading to allergic reaction. Histamine and otherchemicals released during the allergic attack are responsible for allergysymptoms, such as runny nose, sneezing, redness of the eyes, etc.
Allergic asthmais also caused by overreaction of your body to the allergens, this time locatedin your airways. Allergens provoke inflammation of the airways, production ofthick mucus and also cause bronchospasm (constriction of the muscles of yourairways). Many substances may act as allergens, provoking asthma attacks. The mostcommon are: plant pollen, spores and fragments of the molds, dust mite or cockroachfeces and animal saliva and dander.
Several substancescould trigger an asthma attack, if you are susceptible to it. Tobacco or anyother kind of smoke, fireworks, strong scents, perfumes, odors and fumes andalso dusty workplace can all lead to an asthma attack. Other potential triggersinclude cold air, exercises on cold air and air pollution.
Asthma symptomsmay include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, coughing, wheezing and chest tightening.Allergens might also cause reaction on your skin, eyes or gastrointestinalsystem (if you eat something you are allergic to). The most severe allergicreaction that might be a life threatening condition is anaphylactic shock.
Allergy Tests
When youexperience symptoms of allergic asthma your doctor will recommend determining the exact causeof the disease. There are some blood tests, designed to determine the levels ofyour IgE antibodies and skin tests. Skin test usually contains pricking yourskin with tiny amount of different allergens, after which the doctor is able todetermine the cause of your allergic asthma.
Asthma Medications
There aremany treatments for people suffering from allergic asthma, including salinerinses, nasal sprays, inhale steroids and bronchodilators and antihistaminemedications, even some immunotherapy, if everything else failed.
Control YourAllergic Asthma
Once youknow your allergens and triggers stay away from them. If you are allergic to pollen,stay inside as much as you can, limiting even the outside work in your gardenif you must.
Use allergenproof covers for your pillows and mattresses, in order to avoid any mites. Washyour bedding once a week and always make sure to wash the stuffed animals yourchildren play with.
Your kitchenand bathroom must be very clean and dry, in order to prevent mold and cockroachesin it.
Sometimes,you could be allergic to your own pets. Get tested for sensitization to their danderand saliva, because it might be the cause of your breathing problems.
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