An overreaction of the body’s immune system in response to a contact with foreign substances is the condition known as allergy. An allergy has in recent decades become avery common disorder worldwide. In fact, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey allergies affect about 60 million of American population. Also, CDC and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have observed that the number of Americans suffering from allergies has risen dramatically in the past ten years.
This increase in number of affected is believed to be caused by modern lifestyle. Global warming cause climate changes that result in prolonged blooming seasons leading to intense pollen release by different species of plants for an extended period of time. The Harvard University believes that trees release more pollen due to a higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Increased incidence in allergies is also believed to be triggered by stress, unhealthy diet low in fiber while high in processed foods and by increased environmental pollution. There are also those who believe that modern high use of anti-bacterial products has caused our bodies to become vulnerable to newer, more resistant bacteria.
Naturopathic Treatment for Allergies
Allergies can be treated with antihistamines in the form of tablets, creams, eye drops and nasal sprays, decongestants and other medicines but more and more sufferers are choosing naturopathic treatments. This is mainly due to unwanted side effects of medications that people are trying to avoid. Also, unlike conventional medicine, naturopathy involves holistic approach to health and treats the underlying cause of the allergy along with the symptoms. Naturopathy deals with emotional, mental and physical aspect of health thus often achieves better results than traditional western medicine. Different naturopathic treatments are available for different types of allergies.
Naturopathic Treatment for Pollen Allergy Pollen allergy or seasonal allergic rhinitis is accompanied with sneezing, itchy eyes, nose and throat, conjunctivitis and runny nose. Naturopathy recommends diet high in fish since omega-3 fatty acids help to relieve these symptoms. Allergy sufferers may want to increase the intake of walnuts, flax seeds and dark leafy greens which are other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Naturopathic eye drops are also available for allergy symptoms related to the eyes. Herbal remedies like nettle and green tea as well as acupuncture can be of help in treating allergies. Nasal passages can be flushed with mixture of warm water, baking soda and sea salt.
Naturopathic Treatment for Mold, Dust Mite and Animal Dander Allergies
Indoor allergens like molds, dust mites and animal dander can cause asthma-like symptoms. Naturopathy recommends, before you start treating symptoms, to clean your house, creating an environment in which these allergens can not thrive. This means to eliminate unnecessary rugs and pillows and to wash the remaining ones once per week with hot water. Pets should be kept away from bedroom. Homeopathic treatment for symptoms of dust mite allergies involves the use of Arsen Alb, Sabadilla, American Stinging Nettles and Perilla.
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