Most allergies occur during the summer season, and there arenumerous factors which are responsible for that. Summer allergens such as petdander, pollen and dust get combined with the heat and trigger the most annoyingallergic reactions. Instead of enjoying the summer, one must face the miserablesymptoms of his or her allergic reaction. There are certain types of prescriptionmedicaments which may be efficient in preventing and calming different types ofallergic reactions, but the best prevention is actually avoidance and reductionof exposure to the harmful allergens. Most types of prevention are fairlysimple and they can be conducted by anyone.
Steps of Prevention
One must first understand the allergy and recognize the differenttypes of allergens which are responsible for the aggravation of the existingsymptoms. The most common symptoms are usually very similar to the symptomswhich are usually affiliated with asthma or hay fever. The symptoms occurbecause the human body’s immune system releases certain types of antibodiesinto the bloodstream. The antibodies are in charge of producing histamine.Histamine is a certain chemical agent which acts on the lungs, skin, throat,nose, eyes and sometimes even the gastrointestinal system, which triggers theoccurrence of the allergy symptoms. Most allergens are airborne particles andthey are very hard to avoid because they can be found virtually everywhere. In order to minimize the contact withallergens, one must keep the doors and windows closed and equip the home withan air conditioner or an air filter. Those who are sensitive to pollen shouldavoid staying outside during the morning, until late afternoon or evenings.
Pollen does not only irritate the person when inhaled, itmay also irritate the skin by causing the occurrence of itchy and dry rashes.Clothes, bed sheets and towels which hang out to dry outdoors can collect thepollen spores and trigger such symptoms. Keeping the house clean is anotherimportant thing for all those who suffer from various types of allergies. Petdander and dust mites are commonly found in homes, and they may be affiliated withsevere allergic reactions. These allergens irritate the lungs, throat and thenose when they get inhaled. Clothes, bedding and surfaces need to be dustedfrequently. The home needs to be vacuumed a few times per week. Furniture andmattress protectors are also important means of protecting against pet danderand dust mites. They can be cleaned fairly easily, which is another plus.
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