A stunning 10% of the world'spopulation feels uneasy when thinking about needles let alone seeingit or getting in a physical contact with it. This phobia is,therefore, quite a common one, pestering many people who cannot seemto get over their fears regarding these small, pointy objects.Usually, people with needle phobias fear syringes, medical needlesand pins too. All in all, all small and pointy metal objects causetheir phobia.
Reasons behind Needle Phobia
People usually develop this phobia intheir childhood; when they encounter situations where they getexposed to needles, get their skin pierced by these objects andexperience pain during the process. Later in life, due to thesememories, people with needle phobia experience an escalation of thefear, being reluctant to get in contact with needles, the verycontact causing numerous phobia symptoms in their behavior andwell-being. Some people are not visually afraid of needles, but,nevertheless, fear the process of getting jabbed by one.
Manifestations of Needle Phobia
There are numerous symptoms related tothis phenomenon. Some of these involve undergoing an immediate panicattack upon the very mentioning of needles, syringes and similaritems, increase in one's heart rate, nausea, shivers, sweating,hyperventilation, blackouts and dry mouth.
How to Cope With Fear of Needles
One of the things you can do, if yourphobia is triggered by the sensation of your skin being pierced by aneedle is to apply certain creams which are capable of neutralizingthe pain you experience during the process. Therefore, you will notfeel a thing and, therefore, your phobia will not get “activated”.Applying ice over the piercing spot can help reduce the pain too.
Alternatively, the patient may be givenanti-anxiety medication before receiving a shot or having any otherinteractions with needles.
Nevertheless, one needs to be awarethat this phenomenon is a mentally induced one. Being such, youyourself are capable of overcoming your fear of needles. All you needto do is get prepared for everything that is about to happen once youare to get exposed to a needle. Live it through in your mind, andpromise yourself you will not panic nor hold back. Rather, you willendure this harmless process without any fear or problems. If youcannot help yourself, maybe a hypnosis therapy is an adequate curefor your phobia. Either way, certain steps need to be taken since your life and health may depend on a shot which yourphobia will disallow you to take.
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