PCOS is a common hormonal disorder, affecting approximately one in 10 women of reproductive age. Besides missed and irregular periods, common symptoms include excessive hair growth, weight gain, oily skin, and difficulty getting pregnant. Most women with PCOS are also insulin resistant.
Not all women who have PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, will have all the standard symptoms on the checklist; while some women with PCOS have some of the symptoms, others have most or even all. One of the most common side effects or symptoms of PCOS is bleeding after sexual intercourse. Occasionally, a woman will experience pain or discomfort during intercourse, which is one of the main reasons polycystic ovary syndrome can be so hard for a couple trying to conceive a baby. There are many different reasons why a woman can have irregular bleeding after sexual intercourse, and PCOS is just one of them.
PCOS causes abdominal cramping and when a couple has sexual intercourse, the activity could cause an inflammation of the uterine tissues and result in bleeding. Sometimes the bleeding might come in the form of a very light spotting, and other times it could be quite heavy. For each woman, bleeding after intercourse with PCOS is very different. PCOS related bleeding after intercourse can be a result of the stimulation and the uterine tissue can become tender and bleed. The bleeding women who have PCOS experience after intercourse can be heavy enough to resemble a menstrual period and may be accompanied by abdominal cramping and appear to be a recurrent period. Sometimes the bleeding could even be related to the medication a woman may be taking in order to treat the condition as well.
There are also a number of different drugs and over the counter medications which could cause PCOS bleeding after intercourse. Blood thinners, Aspirin, oral contraceptives and certain hormonal medicines can all be responsible for bleeding after intercourse in women who live with PCOS.
It is best to mention any post-coital bleeding to a medical professional in order to rule out any other conditions which could be causing the problem, ranging from cancer to iron deficiency anemia. Bleeding after sex can be serious and should therefore be checked out by a doctor.
When a couple is trying to conceive, the symptoms of PCOS can be a deterrent to healthy conception. However, it is not impossible with the right treatment for a woman to safeguard her fertility and be able to become pregnant. With the most recent medical advances being made in the world of reproductive medicine, PCOS is a treatable condition which does not have to cost a woman a healthy quality of life. A couple should never give up and always keep a positive attitude, knowing that by following the advice of a fertility specialist it is possible for a woman with PCOS to become a mother someday.
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