Information on Keloid Scars
Keloid scars get developed in certain areas of the body which have been scarred or marked. When the tissue grows over the aforementioned affected area, the scars may be pink and slightly raised and they are known as the keloid scars.
Sometimes these scars may be painful, regardless of the fact that they are new tissue over an injured area. These scars may affect both male and female persons, but they mostly occur in younger persons who are under twenty years old. Keloid scars occur when the injury fills up and gets swollen by collagen which leads to the enlargement of the scars.
The scars are not that much of a problem on their own, but they can lead to some other medical conditions which may be serious such as skin cancer. These scars may occur at any part of the human body and they cannot be cured by any medication. Extreme conditions, disfigurement, and problematic types of keloid scars may need to be removed by a surgical intervention.
The scars can also get decreased in size by dressing all the areas that were affected with silicone gel. There are also certain types of injections that can be used for the reduction of the size of the scars as well.
This type of treatment is very painful and requires the use of local anesthesia. The most common treatment is the surgical procedure but there are cases when the scars may return after the surgery. Another option may be the laser treatment, but it may not be that efficient in all cases. Keloid scars are a rather rare medical condition and are sometimes of genetic nature.
Keloid scars are benign and most cases also involve hypersensitivity to touch. This occurs because the nerve fibers contained in the affected area get compressed by the excessive amounts of collagen fiber.
Treatment for Keloid Scars
One of the ways to treat keloid scars is the use of intralesional corticosteroids. This type of treatment is efficient in reducing painful sensations and certain other symptoms of this medical condition.
The most inexpensive way to treat keloid scars is to use the silicone gel. It is noninvasive and it is also very efficient in hydrating the scars and reducing pain and other common symptoms associated with this condition.
Botulinum Toxin A injections can be used in certain cases as well. Some cases of keloid scars can be treated with cryotherapy and sometimes even radiotherapy.
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