Pain in the joints and bones may be caused by cancerous or metastases of cancer spreading through them, or by non cancerous causes such as specific medications or treatments. Pain can also sometimes be a consequence of physical injury or overuse. It is very important to you that you find out exactly the cause of your bone and joint pain, in order that you can apply appropriate therapy for it.
There are several symptoms of bone or joint pain, among them; complete or partial tears of tendons, inflammation or soreness of the some tendons or bursa sac, if physical injury occurs. In cases of cancer, pain gets throbbing and diffused. Many anti cancer therapies have various side effects, of which many are pain in the bones and joints.
Things to do to relieve the pain
In order to relieve your pain, you can try some of those things, like in some cases, injection of anti-inflammatory steroids is needed, and also taking some anti-inflammatory medication such as naproxen can be helpful. Active rest (you move but do nothing hard), is recommended.
Medications like bisphosphonates like Areida or Tometa is often prescribed by doctors for bone cancer patents for pain relieving, stopping the destruction of bones caused by metastatic disease, and keeping a level of blood calcium to the normal.
Chemotherapy in cases of bone cancer is most common treatment used, and also external beam radiation therapy and Tamoxifen. Possible problems with Tamoxifen are that it may have some side effects like arthritis like stiffness and aches. In case that happens, ask your doctor to prescribe you with some alternative medicaments like opioids.
In cases of bone and joints pain as a result of chemotherapy NSAIDS medicaments as well as anti seizure medications and tricyclic antidepressants are prescribed. Good news is that pain caused by chemotherapy disappears eventually, but it can last up ti one year after the finish of chemotherapy treatment.
Various exercises are also very important part of pain relief therapies, and you can ask your doctor to recommend you type of exercises that will be best suited fro your and your specific bone pain problems. Some of those exercises should be aimed to strengthen the upper part of your body, while other may be aimed at other parts of your body.
Another way to actively exercise is set of aerobic programs, yoga, swimming or massage.
Also you should quit smoking, allowing for more oxygen to reach your body and cells, muscles and bones in it.
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