Arthritis is a medical condition which affects joints and connective tissue. Rheumatism is a term used in description of a variety of symptoms including stiffness of joints, tenderness and pain in joints, bones and surrounding muscles. Rheumatism may refer to over a 100 medical conditions including arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, and many more. The actual treatment of rheumatism depends on the particular disease. The goal of the therapy, however, is in all cases the same. The doctors tend to reduce the inflammation and pain of the affected structure and to improve movements of the affected joints and body in general.
Causes and Symptoms of Rheumatism
There are numerous causes of rheumatism. In some people genetics plays crucial role in getting the disease. Additional causes include hormonal imbalance, improper diet and accumulation of specific toxins in the body which consequently leads to inflammation. Even stress can be a trigger for rheumatism. Stress can also cause recurrence of the disease.
The leading symptoms of rheumatism are inflammation, swelling and stiffness of the affected joints. The joints, bones and surrounding muscles are painful and the skin above the joints is red and warm. While moving their joints patients can hear clicking sounds. The symptoms of the disease can interfere in patient's general mobility. In some forms of rheumatism only muscles, tendons and ligaments are affected by the process of inflammation. The patients suffering from this form of rheumatism complain about swelling and pain as well as on tenderness of the skin above the affected structures.
Treatment for Rheumatism
The treatment varies a lot since the term rheumatism refers to more those 100 medical conditions. Luckily, majority of these conditions can heal completely.
The doctors will perform certain tests in order to determine the exact type of rheumatism.
The treatment may include variety of medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. Apart from the medications which can differ, patients are helped by the doctor and the family to lead normal lives. In muscular rheumatism patients are prescribed muscle relaxers and exercises. The exercises need to be light and not to put too much pressure onto the affected muscles.
There are certain sports which may help patients suffering from rheumatism. Yoga is only one of them.
All the patients who are suffering from rheumatism should adapt their diets. They may get additional help from nutritionist who will tell patients which food is good and what needs to be avoided to prevent the attack of the disease.
Additional alternative therapies include acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy and massage.
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