Finding out you are pregnant can be the most wonderful time of your life. However, unfortunately with the pleasures comes the pain, such as headaches, back aches, swelling of limbs, and even groin pains. This all happens because the body is going through enormous changes with the hormone production of estrogen, progesterone and relaxin, it is also growing, stretching and getting ready to make room for the baby. The pain some women experience in their groin and pelvis normally will only last for a short period but it can be pointed and forceful.
The Causes of Groin Pain during Your Pregnancy
The pain experienced in the groin can be due to the hormonal changes your body is going through. The level of the pregnancy hormones, in particular relaxin and progesterone have the task of preparing your muscles and ligaments for the birth by relaxing them and stretching them and moving them to different positions. However, this process causes the body to become looser and it is unable to find the support of the once stable ligaments and muscles thus causing pain. Structural changes within the body can also cause the pain in the groin. As you put on weight it can put pressure on the pelvis and the hips and also the extra weight can adjust your gravity.
It is important that you try to maintain a good posture throughout walking and sitting to limit the pain. There is a ligament that surrounds the uterus wall called the round ligament. In pregnancy this particular ligament will stretch and condense itself in preparation for the support it will need to provide. This process can cause the pregnant woman some sharp pain in their lower abdominal area when she stands up from the sitting position. Even coughing can cause the pain to hit because it suddenly applies pressure to the round ligament.
Managing Mild Groin Pain during Pregnancy
As long as the pain is not overly brutal, it can be handled by ensuring you have a good posture at all times, wear the correct fitting shoes and comfortable, loose clothing. Habitual exercise such as yoga classes twice a week specially designed for pregnant women. If you can avoid standing for too long a periods and whilst you are in a seated position you should have your legs a little elevated.
Managing Severe Groin Pain during Pregnancy
In this instance you should seek the help from your doctor who can provide you with some form of supporting device. If you want to take a painkiller it must be with the consent from your doctor.
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