Pain in the lower abdomen can come in the form of discomfort or any kind of a negative sensation occurring in an are of the body below the bellybutton. Pain can occur either on the left or the right side. If the pain is right below the bellybutton then it’s called suprapubic pain, which is common for women, because important reproductive organs such as the womb and ovaries are located in this area.
There are many different possible causes of lower abdominal pain. One must understand the position of various organs in the lower regions of the abdomen to fully realize all the things that could go wrong in this area.
The most common causes of lower right-side abdominal pain are appendicitis, ovarian cysts and kidney stones.
Appendicitis is usually characterized by a constant pain in the lower right abdomen which only gets worse with movement and direct pressure. Urges to vomit, poor appetite, and fever are also common symptoms of appendicitis. An ovarian cyst usually affects women between the ages of 12 and 59.
It can be recognized by a moderate to severe and sudden onset of pain which spreads to one's thigh. The woman also usually experiences sickness, sweating and possible fainting. A kidney stone is indicated by sharp pain starting from the upper flank and spreading towards the right side of the lower abdomen. Vomiting usually occurs and it is usually very hard to find a comfortable position for the body to be in.
The three most common causes of lower, central abdominal pain, which is more common with women, are - urinary tract infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases and fibroids. Urinary tract infection is indicated by more frequent bathroom visits, fever, vomiting, and a dull pain just below the navel. If these symptoms occur, the person should check to see if there is anything different about their urine, because the condition usually requires urgent treatment.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is common for sexually active women of child-bearing age who experience lower, central abdominal pain. An unusual vaginal discharge, changing menses and uncommonly painful sex might also indicate pelvic inflammatory disease. Fibroids are common for Afro-Caribbean and Asian woman between the ages of 13 and 59. The pain is accompanied by heavy menstrual bleeding and a heavy feeling in the lower abdomen. Sometimes an ultrasound scan is needed to confirm that a person has fibroids.
Abdominal pain in the lower left region is the most common. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually associated with young to middle-aged men and women who suffer cramping pains and are often constipated and bloated. Certain food items might also worsen the pain. Despite numerous tests, sometimes it is hard to find what is causing the pain. Usually it is the irritable bowel syndrome, but sometimes it can be lactose intolerance. In that case, diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating kick in after consuming food that contains milk.
Ectopic pregnancy is a condition common with women of a child-bearing age. It’s a very serious condition indicated by missed periods, lower abdominal pains, vaginal bleeding, dizziness and shoulder tip pain. A person with these symptoms should call an ambulance or local doctor immediately, because if it is a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, any delay could be potentially fatal.
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