How is argan oil obtained?
Argan oil is received from the very core of the tree and the way to obtain it is by completely draining the core and then removing its outer skin. Once the substance is extracted from the core, it is necessary to bake it by dry heat in order to get the appealing nutty aroma. After that’s done, it should be combined in a mixture with just enough water to make a paste that has a rich, thick texture. Finally, all that’s left is to extract the oil itself and that’s done with the bare hands. But nowadays, there are machines which are able to perform this action as well.
What kind of benefits does argan oil bring?
Aspreviously mentioned, argan oil brings many benefits to the health and has an important role in the proper body functioning.
The many nutritious properties that argan oil contains are not only used for cooking, but they’re also very good for cosmetic purposes. First of all, argan oil is highly recommended for providing the hair and the scalp with sufficient moist. There is no need to include it in any kind of mixture to make it milder, as the oil itself is perfectly suitable for this use. What many people do not know is that argan oil might just be the best product to take care of the hair out there. This is because the organic argan oil is able to preserve the hair from any damage that may be caused to it. This includes dandruff, split ends, lice and the harm from the environment, to name a few.
Another use that argan oil has found in cosmetics is regarding the skin care. Thanks to its high content of vitamin E, argan oil has now become a part of many cosmetic products that take care of the skin. The interesting thing about it is that it works splendidly for both dry and oily skin and is able to balance both of them. It has also proven to be very effective in getting rid of any kind of scars or marks on the skin.
Finally, argan oil has the ability to preserve the body from numerous diseases. This is mostly because of its omega 3 fatty acids content. These substances are able to destroy the free radicals threatening the body and prevent diseases such as clogged arteries, atherosclerosis and heart diseases.
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