When a couple has been trying to get pregnant for more than six months and nothing has happened, it can be disheartening and frustrating. A couple may have spent a great deal of time putting off trying to conceive in order to plan accordingly and be well prepared, only to run into a fertility issue. Most couples will not want to face the reality of infertility, but if it has been more than a year and nothing has happened, it is time to consider a fertility specialist. Women that have irregular menstrual cycles or do not ovulate, or are over the age of 35, may want to seek professional advice if there is a risk factor that could delay conception.
Women should start keeping a record of menstrual cycles and ovulation charting can also be helpful to do prior to visiting a fertility specialist. Over the course of several months, a woman can determine her most fertile days and focus on conceiving during that time frame. It is generally a good idea for a couple to consult with a primary care physician or gynecologist prior to seeking the assistance of a fertility specialist. Knowing when to see a fertility doctor is recommended if both male and female fertility are in question and a primary care physician has determined it to be in the best interest of the situation.
- www.nhs.uk/conditions/infertility/diagnosis/
- www.nhs.uk/Tools/Pages/Fertility.aspx
- Photo courtesy of Ilmicrofono Oggiono by Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/115089924@N02/16068674648
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