Each and every woman must be familiar with her body. This particularly refers to women who are planning to get pregnant. They should know the full details regarding their menstrual cycle and especially be aware of ovulation, the only phase of the menstrual cycle during which an egg is released and can be successfully fertilized.
So, because women are fertile for only a handful of days each menstrual cycle, timing is precious and of major importance for conception. One of the best ways to get pregnant is by fertility charting. This chart allows women to understand their own fertility patterns and determine the exact moment of their ovulation. By doing so, the chance of conceiving significantly improves.
Fertility Charts
A fertility chart is a powerful tool recommended by many doctors. This is save and natural way to get to know your own body and determine when the ovulation takes place. The only thing a woman needs is patience and she will eventually be fully informed about her menstrual cycle and all its components.
This charting involves taking basal body temperature, examining the cervical mucus, noting the onset of menstrual period and noting dates of sexual intercourse.
Basal Body Temperature
A woman may predict her ovulation by measuring basal body temperature. Some experts do not believe that this method is reliable enough. Still, it seems that before ovulation, a woman's body temperature varies between 97.0 and 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit. While ovulating, temperature slightly increases which is associated with a release of hormone progesterone. The increase is of about 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. Body temperature basically remains elevated until the following cycle begins.Cervical Mucus and Ovulation
It may be hard and sometimes even off-putting to differentiate changes in cervical mucus during menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, it is known that cervical mucus actually has different purpose, one of which is prevention of sperm from getting into the uterus. However, when ovulation is near the cervix begins to synthesize an increasing amount of mucus which is adapted to let spermatozoids easily reach the egg. Such mucus is stretchy and clear.Tests to Predict Ovulation
There are many home tests which can help a woman monitor her menstrual cycle. Ovulation predictor kits are efficient in testing the levels of luteinizing hormone in the urine. A sudden increase in this hormone is reported to occur 12-36 hours before ovulation. Furthermore, there are small microscopes which examine a woman's saliva known as saliva or 'Ferning' Microscopes. Since estrogen levels tend to build-up when ovulation approaches this subsequently increases salt levels in the mucus. Once this mucus is carefully observed under microscope, one can notice that excess of salt creates a pattern resembling leaves of a fern plan, hence the tern 'ferning'.
A woman may opt for several more tests and devices for predicting ovulation of different preciseness.
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