A Thing or Two about Nosebleeds
Bleeding from the nose is quite a common condition and it has probably affected each one of us at some time. Usually, this is not a serious problem and the bleeding stops on its own. However, sometimes, prolonged nosebleeds may signify something more serious and may demand further research for the proper treatment to be found. Statistically, nosebleeds are more common in children than in adults. However, it affects all people, regardless of the sex and age. A doctor should be consulted to recommend an adequate treatment, if the bleeding persists.
Reasons behind a Bleeding Nose
There are many different causes of nosebleeds. Most often, this condition is triggered by a physical trauma, where the nose has been hit and damage has been provoked, resulting in bleeding. Also, dry air, especially indoors during the heating season, can cause damage to the inner part of your nose, again provoking bleeding in the area. Apart from these, allergies, medications or hypertension are all known to be possible culprits as well.
As for more serious cases, arteriosclerosis, cancerous tumors, leukemia and some other serious diseases are capable of causing nosebleeds and, therefore, add on to the list of reasons behind this problem. Interestingly, alcohol abuse can trigger this too, along with sudden body temperature variations due to cold showers, physical activities etc.
Manifestations of Bleeding Nose
More benign cases of nosebleeds last for less than 10 minutes. Therefore, every nosebleed which exceeds this is considered a severe one since you are capable of losing up to 1 liter of blood per hour, if this problem prevails. The main manifestation involves blood being expelled through one's nose. Also, middle ear bleeding, dizziness, breathing difficulties or shock may be present.
Possible Treatment of Nosebleeds
The first thing you might do is apply aloe vera gelly or extra virgin olive oil with a piece of cotton wool and press the area in order not to let the blood pass. Furthermore, for prevention, it is best to increase your intake of vitamin K and consume more vegetables and fruits in order to boost your immunity.
Finally, once the bleeding starts, move your head to a 45 degrees angle and keep the nostrils pressed for about 10 minutes while breathing through your mouth. Stay calm at all times and seek medical attention if the bleeding does not stop.
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