What is nitric oxide and why is it important for our body?
Nitric oxide is actually a gas that is naturally produced byour body, and some very important functions and processes depend on it. Forexample, cardiovascular, immune and nervous system are the three systems thatare very dependent on this gas, and they would not be able to function properlywithout it. Some of the nitric oxide functions are:
Transmitting the impulses between the nerve cells,Preventing formation of blood clots,Increasing blood flow to certain organs,Preventing erectile dysfunction in men,Helping in destroying bacteria and other infectious agents,Helping in regulating blood pressure, as well as in loweringcholesterol levels.However, the levels of nitric oxide in a body depend on severalfactors, but it is important to know that there are also natural ways in whichits production can be promoted and thus its levels increased.
What are the foods that contain nitric oxide?
The previously mentioned functions are only a part of whatnitric oxide is important for. It all implies the importance of keeping thelevels of this gas normal. If and when it is necessary, these levels can beincreased by simple exercising (since such activities lead to the increase butin a natural way), as well as by taking nitric oxide supplements, or adding foods that are known to be rich in this ingredient to the diet.
When it comes to the foods that are rich in nitric oxide, thefirst that should be mentioned are soybeans and products made of soy. Fish andseafood are also very high in this ingredient, as well as some nuts (not all),among which are walnuts and peanuts. Milk and dairy products, as well as leanmeat may be helpful, too.
Besides these foods, there are foods that contain nutrientsthat can also aid in increasing the levels of nitric oxide, and l-arginine andvitamins C and E are among such nutrients. It is well known that l-arginineamino acid can be found in wheat, cereals, milk, dairy products, seafood, beefand chicken, while among the foods that are rich in vitamin C are also lemon,oranges, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapple and broccoli. As for thenatural sources of vitamin E, olive oil, spinach, corn oil, sunflower seed andturnip greens should be mentioned. However, people should bear in mind that too high level of nitricacid may cause some side effects, so they should be careful about it.
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